Results of my 3 month cut
Plus the buzz I am getting after a long bike ride or weight routine, no drug can touch that, the pump you get. Awesome
Can someone recommend some supplements? I wanna pump up for August
Taken today,
14 stone 4 ( 200 pounds)
5 foot 7
26% body fat
Plus the buzz I am getting after a long bike ride or weight routine, no drug can touch that, the pump you get. Awesome
what age are you btw ff?
Sick build Freefaller, great traps and delts just overall thickness, nice mate.
OT: FF, fantastic transformation. Jealous of your boulder shoulders you *******!
6lbs per year is definitely not to be sniffed at especially when you're as lean, if not leaner than before you began lifting.
Oddly you look younger in the recent pictures. Probably because you're squinting in the first one.
Huge change FF, thats a sweet back