OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

I reckon under 16 is too young to have access to huge weights just because of the growth implications and inevitable 'm8 I'm such a hard man' 14 year olds doing their backs in, but parental consent should be enough for under 18 I reckon. Unfortunately I don't reckon they'd take my GCSE and AS results and polite mannerisms as a substitute for actually being 18...

Pfft. With proper supervision and training, it's no different to any other sport.

Whilst these kids are playing Playsttion,safe from the terrible barbells, their dads with be slipping discs as they try to one-up their fellow middle-age spreaders.

Teach kids the respect they need for the weights (like martial arts and the techniques) and it will be a lot safer a sport than junior football and the yobs in that. :D
Well, this pretty much comes to the end of my first ever proper cut now, as of this morning currently sitting at 79kg give or take, the initial aim was to hit 80kg and potentially go down to 75kg, if I gave it another few weeks I'd probably be able to hit 75kg but it's kind of pointless.

Since about May/June, I was just short of 90KG, so all in all I've lost 10kg+, however I do believe at the start of the year I was nearer 95kg.

Happy with the progress, lost some fat, and I've proven to myself I can cut somewhat and not go bonkers.


Doesn't show much, but I'll get some more before/after shots up later.
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nice work man, now do some manly lifting for the next 3-4 months while eating more and you will start to look awesome except the blurry face issue, weights wont help you there!
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