OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

So that's the diet reviewed, mobility stuff worked out, what about my next routine?

I'm thinking of knocking out the majority of accessory lifts and focusing on the following:

Bench Press
Military Press
Cable Row
Pulls / Chins
Bulgarian Split Squat
Leg Press
Calf Raise

I could do the above 3x a week in HST with the traditional 5, 10 and 15 rep ranges, or perhaps scrap the HST and just do 3x5 rep ranges throughout with the aim of increasing the weight every workout / week (lower reps should allow heavier weight?)

OR split the above list in 2 and alternative between A / B each time?
January 2012

Nov 2012

Here's a rough idea, normally 3-4 pieces of fruit thrown in too plus sauces etc which I don't count.


1/4 of your calories comes from crap.

Then you have that pasta sauce which is full of sugar.

Start a separate thread or keep a food log (daily) include everything. Even that odd biscuit with your tea, spoon of sugar etc... milk.

Then at least we can see what you eat.

nearly 2/5th of what you eat is poor nutritionally.
Here's my routine it may look a bit odd as I don't go to the gym, I currently just have a 13 in 1 york bench, squat stands (not a power rack), olympic 7ft bar, olympic EZ bar and a cross trainer, reason why I have a cross trainer as opposed to a running machine is I live in a mid terrace house so a running machine would be to loud. Come January I will be getting a power rack and a better bench but until then I only squat light and do lots of reps due to safety and with chest I only use dumbbells so I can drop them if my arms give out.

Current Routine:

40min X-trainer, maybe some planks and some decline crunches.

Tuesday (Back/Biceps) :
-Bent over dumbbell rows
-Underhand rows
-Overhand rows
-One arm rows
-Dumbbell preachers
-Hammer curls
-EZ Barbell preachers
-Standing EZ barbell curls

40min X-Trainer

Thursday (Chest/Triceps):
Kick backs
Skull crushers
Rolling dumbbell extensions
EZ barbell arm extensions
Seated dips (until failure four sets)
Flat dumbbell press
Incline dumbbell flies
Incline dumbbell press
Push ups (until failure four sets)

20min X-Trainer

Saturday (Legs):
Squats (as mention light due to no power rack) usually 20reps 5sets
Calf raises
Hamstring bench curls

Sunday (Shoulders/Forearms):
Dumbbell shoulder press
Front Raises
Barbell shrugs
Side raises
Rear flies
Arnie press
Barbell shoulder press
Upright rows with EZ bar
Hand grips
Finger rolls

The reason I didn't put weight info and set/rep info is I mix it a lot. Generally I will do say four weeks aiming for around 4 sets of 10-12 reps and then do two weeks heavier and aim for 4 sets of 4-6 reps and then a week of lighter weight and aim for 4 sets of 15-20 reps and then repeat that. Also I keep my days the same, so Sundays is usually shoulders but I do the exercise in a different order every week. When the photo back in January was taken my diet was a joke lots of drinking and eating pizza, sausage rolls you name it, now I rarely drink and eat clean. With goals, for the time being I am on a very minimal bulk only around 300kcal above normal and see how it goes come Feb I will do more on the X-Trainer for summer.

EDIT*: Just to say the first two months all I did was around 40mins of cross trainer every day and bicep curls :rolleyes: lol (I did not have a clue until my mate educated me thankfully)
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Phaser, stick with mobility and stretching, work on learning the proper movements and follow ice's n others advice.
Make a log of some kind it would be interesting to see how you progress from this point :)

Ash, awesome work mate, thats some solid progress, did you lift before jan 12 or is this all progress this year? Also, get the pins out :D
Phaser, stick with mobility and stretching, work on learning the proper movements and follow ice's n others advice.
Make a log of some kind it would be interesting to see how you progress from this point :)

Ash, awesome work mate, thats some solid progress, did you lift before jan 12 or is this all progress this year? Also, get the pins out :D

Thanks! no didn't do any weight lifting before, I worked in a carpet warehouse for around 3 years though which may have helped a little, lots of heavy lifting involved. As you can see in the photo my right side trap is noticeably bigger then the left. As for legs maybe in 6 months lol my calves are pathetic think it's my genetics but trying to work on them two times a week now.
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Phaser - Without heavy squats or deadlifts you won't put on any appreciable mass. Your workouts are all upper body, too light with too many reps and too many different types of movement. Military press, bench press, dips, chins and rows are all you (as in you personally) need for the upper body at this time.

But as I've said, without squats or deadlifts you're going to struggle to put mass on.
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Taken this morning - 4 days, out from a very big photoshoot, i am carb depleted here wth another 2 days remaining. Sunday morning i start carb loading and start filling out before shoot on Tuesday.

Extremely tired and fed up of drinking water :(

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