OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Working on the abs a little harder lately!
Good lean base, just need to work hard on growing mass. Don't worry the abs for now, they will come.
When did kids these days get so skinny? :eek: ;)

I'm just envious because I'm old and past it. :( :D

Although, that does remind me that I probably need an updated photo... Maybe side-on. Without any light.
When did kids these days get so skinny? :eek: ;)

Around the same time they were told that they should have feelings and that being aggressive was wrong. I always said they were being feminized :(

BaileyDesign you are young yet m8, eat and lift and eat and lift. See where you are in a few years time with a better base. Try getting involved in something that rewards physical conditioning, like boxing or martial arts or rugby or even olympic style weightlifting if you have any clubs near you. This is much more practical and beneficial at a young age and will lay the foundations for later.
Around the same time they were told that they should have feelings and that being aggressive was wrong. I always said they were being feminized :(

BaileyDesign you are young yet m8, eat and lift and eat and lift. See where you are in a few years time with a better base. Try getting involved in something that rewards physical conditioning, like boxing or martial arts or rugby or even olympic style weightlifting if you have any clubs near you. This is much more practical and beneficial at a young age and will lay the foundations for later.

Thanks a lot for the advice man :) The main thing for me is the diet, not the physical aspect, I go to the gym regularly and progressing in my weight lifting is going well, Its keeping on top of how much I need to eat that I can forget about! I do use Anabolic mass gainer every day and eat small meals in between larger meals. Thanks for the input!
You're somewhat missing the point.

First off, the small meals plus weight gainer isnot much more effective than three square meals a day, it just makes it easier to et the calories in.

Second, I think what UE was hinting is that training for mass can get boring, so go for a sport where power and speed are required. That way that extra mass will be useful and you'll keep your enthusiasm.

I think. Not that anybody should ever try and guess what's going on in his head.

training for mass without an end goal is pretty dull from my experience...
That's spot on mrthingy.

Training for a sport, or a specific performance end goal is far more beneficial. Is there a sport you're interested in? If you're not, then unless you're very driven, weight training can get boring - certainly alone, especially as it takes years to see major improvements. And following proper weightlifting program at your age are not for the faint hearted. Just something to be aware of.

There's no such thing as "anabolic" weight gainer - so save your precious money. Just eat more - if your parents can afford to feed you. At your age you can almost get away with anything if you're active and do exercise.

That said, if you're driven and want to do this and have the motivation and won't follow "fads" and chop and change your training every 3 days then you will get there. It just depends what interests you. :)
Monkee has a lot more mass already, so not sure what you mean there. No offense meant Bailey :)

As said, good base, get eating and lifting :)
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