On average I'll spend DAY 1 - doing cardio e.g. 30 mins jogging at around 12MPH, 30 mins on the rowing machine and a quick 15 minute session doing my biceps - Pyramids, 11KG dumbells. 15 - 20 MINUTE TOTAL OF RESTS INBETWEEN.
DAY 2 - I'll spend an hour on my biceps doing Pyramids on a Bench 11KG again, 5 sets of 10 reps on 30KG on the W bar. Then 20 mins on my triceps on 20KG, 20 mins doing 5 sets of 10 pullups to finish. 15 - 20 MINUTE TOTAL OF RESTS INBETWEEN.
DAY 3 - I'll really push myself doing shrugs on 60KG, 6 sets of 10, then 2 set on 70KG. That takes around 40 minutes. 30 minutes on my abs doing the 'chair leg raise' and then 30 minutes training my legs, pushing around 70KG 5 sets of 10. Then a final set of 20. 15 - 20 MINUTE TOTAL OF RESTS INBETWEEN.
DAY 4 - I'll spend an hour purely focused on the Cable crossover machine, 5 sets of 10 on 20KG on my biceps - 5 sets of 10 on 15KG on my triceps - 5 sets of 15 on the overhead bar pull on 40KG for my Lats. Then I'll spend 30 minutes bench pressing, starting on 30KG working my way up 5kg at a time to 50KG (only doing 5 on 50 though) and the remaining 20 mins doing 50 leg lifts for my abs.15 - 20 MINUTE TOTAL OF RESTS INBETWEEN.
DAY 5 - Full hour on benching, lifting as much as possible towards the end trying at least 1 rep on 60KG. then I'll train my legs again for 30 mins, 5 set of 10 on 70KG. 15 - 20 MINUTE TOTAL OF RESTS INBETWEEN.
**I Jog for around 20 minutes to the gym and back every time I go so that's my warm up done before I even reach the gym
I eat 6 small meals throughout the day OR 2 large meals with 2 small snacks BOTH with a pint of weight gainer EVERY DAY.
Oh my holy hell.
Ok, my advice: STOP, right now. Post a new thread with your goals and your equipment available to you.
You have the time and clearly the dedication to put some time in to growing so let's help you grow properly