OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Thanks... another question, how far apart should my hands be? Beyond shoulder width?

I went straight in with wide grip, which at most gyms is right to the edge of the curved end of the bar, but I guess the width depends on how big you are....

Best physique on the forum, by a country mile.

It's about time you had that title again, you slacking phaggot

LMAO...not sure why i find it so funny, i guess it's the the virtual slap on the back whilst saying it, lol, nice one Steedie.

I agree though, FF has a strong lean "man's man" physique.

For the love of god, NO HOMO on this, swear daaan! :rolleyes:

edit: My serratus anterior and external obliques used to show much much more than my rectus abdominus. I actually prefer it like that, just looks for tapered to me.
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Interesting, my grip has definetly been narrower than that. Guess I need to hold on, where the angle begins?

TBH, I don't think it matters.

Get yourself to a point where you can do reps and then go wider, you'll then struggle to do the same amount of reps.

I go as wide as the bars will let me now
Train hard and eat well for a few years and you'll get there. :)

Thanks for the compliment though :)

You're a few inches shorter than me, and nearly 20kg heavier. Might take more than a few years!

Then again.....I said that a few years ago haha.

I just want your chest hair. I'm exceedingly hairless (got around 10 hairs on each nipple. :( )
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
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