OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Craps generally don't make much difference on the scales 100/200g at most. Going for a wee though usually see's about half a kilo difference.

That said when I was cutting up at uni and drinking crazy amounts of water due to it being summer I'd see a 2-3KG difference overnight (I did wake up to wee a lot in the night!)
Since we are on the topic: Mine vary dramatically, sometimes they are only 100-300g but others have been 2keegs+. A back load the night before makes a big difference.
I can go +- 1kg from day to day.

By the time you feel thirsty you've lost 2% of your body's water. I'm sure you can do the math to work out the weight of that
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Still cutting
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Instant abz:

1) Do a load of ab work after a workout.

2) Massive backload.

3) Abz poppin', panties droppin'.

I just can't bring myself to do abz-specific work. You've seen how bro I get with my arms... :D

Awesome that's what I wanna be like hopefully. Digging the lats, they really make you look big, gotta pad myself out with some!

Cheers! Learn how to snatch and clean'n'jerk. ;)

do you train abs? as in isolation/ab exercises? :) i used to do them but stopped tbh as i get enough ab work from core exercises..

its funny seeing people focus on it.. and its even funnier when skinny kids run around shirtless showing off their "abs" :confused:

Standing barbell (TRX) rollouts at the moment... Would do dragonflags, but I have enough abz DOMS to be getting on with already. :eek: :D
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