OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Been training with weights for many years but got into running a lot over the last few years, recently decided to cut the runnng down and do just sprints and more on the weights. Currently train in my garage with just basic equipment, bench, squat stands etc, looking to get hold of a power rack asap so I can really start pushing myself on the squats and bench press, currently doing some heavy days 5x5 and mixing it up with higher volume workouts also. Once I've got the gear sorted I'll start a log.

Been pretty much following a keto style diet for a few years but have started to cycle in more carbs of late, It's great to be eating some potatoes and fruit again. PWO is usually a shake made with eggs, vco and butter with a few berries thrown in, I don't usually bother with the whey proteins. Sorry about the fist pump pose but WTF!?:p

Good to se you posting in here! Hard to tell overall physique from that, but definitely look more solid than a long distance runner ;)

Thanks, top half ok I suppose but legs need work, quite strong in the squat but all the running has compromised knees a bit but they are improving since I've cut the running down. Really need a power rack so I can safely add more weight, currently not able to go above 120k due to rickety old squat stands (and knees).

Yeah I should join a gym, but there aren't any out here within a reasonable distance, I was a gym member for many years through my 20's and 30's but moved out here and just prefer to train in my own space these days.
Thanks, top half ok I suppose but legs need work, quite strong in the squat but all the running has compromised knees a bit but they are improving since I've cut the running down. Really need a power rack so I can safely add more weight, currently not able to go above 120k due to rickety old squat stands (and knees).

Yeah I should join a gym, but there aren't any out here within a reasonable distance, I was a gym member for many years through my 20's and 30's but moved out here and just prefer to train in my own space these days.

Do you not have a safe floor onto which a bailed barbell could drop?
Garage floor is pretty solid, barbell has hit the floor many a time, it gets a good old thumping when I'm deadlifting. Always a bit worried when squatting though that I might fail and get trapped or wrapped up with the bar somehow, I have failed but I've so far managed to just sort of let go and move out of the way.:o

Definitely time for a power rack, should have bought one years ago but lost interest in heavy training and just did volume work and running for years (too long), it's really only the last 24 months or so that I've had the urge to push myself with heavier weights again. Reading and following some of the training logs on here has definitely inspired me to get back into it.
Asked to post pics yesterday following my post in the gym rats thread.

Slightly different lighting on the two pics, as the first seemed to be a little too light to pick up any of my faint definition. Just see abs coming through on the second pic. Still away off though.

Front semi relaxed

Side tensing abs
Thanks, 12% is roughly what i thought too.

I've always tried to keep my waist small, never done any ab work before until recently (now just throw a little in every now and then), in fear of adding bulk there. But i figured it gets worked with all the stability muscles when doing the big compound moves anyway.
Thanks, 12% is roughly what i thought too.

I've always tried to keep my waist small, never done any ab work before until recently (now just throw a little in every now and then), in fear of adding bulk there. But i figured it gets worked with all the stability muscles when doing the big compound moves anyway.

Unless you're using growth hormone, the chances of adding waist mass are slim (ahem). So I'd do some more core work. :)

However, nice pics: you need more back, however. :cool:
Unless you're using growth hormone, the chances of adding waist mass are slim (ahem). So I'd do some more core work. :)

However, nice pics: you need more back, however. :cool:

GH is not for me thanks, maybe I've been a little misguided then with the waist thickness.

My back is definitely my strongest body part though. It's just difficult to take pics of your own back, so i didn't bother trying
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