OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

let me put there this rear...

Finishing my cut on Saturday morning, not expecting to make a great deal of progress between now and then I'll still be carb cycling but my no carb day will move to low carb, it's taken longer than I'd of liked to get where I am now and due to changing my protocols relatively frequently I've wasted a lot of time stalling since March. However I'm still 8/9KG lighter than I have been which is always a plus and I don't have an aversion to carbs anymore. Would have liked to have shifted more lower abdominal fat though hopefully this'll slowly decrease over the next few months.

Plan is to gradually increase macro's/cals inline with a -10/+20 IF lean bulk over the next few weeks.

I've been cruising mostly on a push/pull split so have lost a bit of strength but it'll return quickly no doubt once my cycle of HST gets underway in July.

85KG ish, little pump from today session but not much.

Pictures from Feb/March for reference:

Pics Pics

rDTfxzo.png znK9mRK.png
ryUb1AH.png Nlt1hYA.png

Inb4 p0000bis ^^^

Obligatory wheel shot as always and some other randoms. Quite harsh lighting in my bathroom for back shots makes it look like I don't even lower back:

Xrs0HpS.png 83a85rv.png 7Vf5Puj.png
GvXfAG0.png 7Vf5Puj.png

Hungry for some mass & hardcore training so watch this space for gainnnnzz son :cool:
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O lawd, your back would look so much better if you posed properly

Dem wheels though

Plsteachme :(

LED downlighters, shadows not even once. Used to be able to pose back reasonably well but has gone to pot, my latspread is LOLworthy, more impressive from the front than back, lol

Here Here
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