OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Running, it just ain't good kids! :)

Strong post smit101. Strong hair! What are you lifting and what is your weight/height?

A little limited by current weight setup, so I'm not really sure of my max single rep weight in squat deadlift and bench press,
Squatting up to 130k , deadlift 140k+ and benchpress 100k, I know there is a lot more there but until I get a power cage I'm a bit limited.

Weight is 82 kg @ 6ft 1, no Idea on bodyfat percentage. Don't really have any specific goal in mind other than to keep lifting and increasing strength, whilst sticking with a clean wholefood diet which I've always been pretty fanatical about.
Here's a picture of me screen grabbed from my instagram, taken in March:


p.s. This is the only 'poser' picture I have on my instagram! I was just happy to be training again!

Not much difference in size but my body weight has dropped about 5kg.

Some of you may remember I ran into problems with near-fainting etc in the gym a few months back, low blood pressure etc. I was being sick a lot and not holding onto fluid. After a couple of referrals I was told to take it easy and given medication - going abroad not long after was a welcome relief, could take my mind off training.

I've went from going 6-7 times a week to 3-4 max and my training has altered, I'm now no longer focusing on 'bodybuilding' but rather strength training. A much needed change to my regime and has sparked my motivation again.

So, I'm on my second week and stats so far:
Height - 5,10.
Bodyweight - 75kg.
Deadlift - 160kg.
Bench - 120kg.
Squat - 140kg.

Squat is really frustrating me - I think its my form - I keep getting shooting pains up my right inner thigh, around the groin region. Only thing that improves this is having my legs close together - which isn't good for the heavier lifts.

I'm not doing 5x5 as I'm still incorporating some isolation exercises but I'm looking to up those lifts within the next few weeks.

I shall keep this here as a log of my progress :)
Shooting pains on your inside leg? Sounds like it could be an artifact of knee collapse at heavy weight... and if so, this means your adductors will fire up to pull you out of trouble.

Moving your legs together essentially means they pull at a 'better' angle, but you basically need to strengthen glute med to address this.

Banded squats and lady exercises, methinks. Also, think about any tight spots you may have up there.

Bear in mind this could also be a damaged bundle of fibres in spasm... at which point, the answer is rollering, and light stretching/squatting.

Post a video of a big squat from the back in the 'form' thread to get a better diagnosis and remediation plan.
A little limited by current weight setup, so I'm not really sure of my max single rep weight in squat deadlift and bench press,
Squatting up to 130k , deadlift 140k+ and benchpress 100k, I know there is a lot more there but until I get a power cage I'm a bit limited.

Weight is 82 kg @ 6ft 1, no Idea on bodyfat percentage. Don't really have any specific goal in mind other than to keep lifting and increasing strength, whilst sticking with a clean wholefood diet which I've always been pretty fanatical about.

Awesome, will be interested to follow your log when you make one.
Here's a picture of me screen grabbed from my instagram, taken in March:


p.s. This is the only 'poser' picture I have on my instagram! I was just happy to be training again!

Not much difference in size but my body weight has dropped about 5kg.

Some of you may remember I ran into problems with near-fainting etc in the gym a few months back, low blood pressure etc. I was being sick a lot and not holding onto fluid. After a couple of referrals I was told to take it easy and given medication - going abroad not long after was a welcome relief, could take my mind off training.

I've went from going 6-7 times a week to 3-4 max and my training has altered, I'm now no longer focusing on 'bodybuilding' but rather strength training. A much needed change to my regime and has sparked my motivation again.

So, I'm on my second week and stats so far:
Height - 5,10.
Bodyweight - 75kg.
Deadlift - 160kg.
Bench - 120kg.
Squat - 140kg.

Squat is really frustrating me - I think its my form - I keep getting shooting pains up my right inner thigh, around the groin region. Only thing that improves this is having my legs close together - which isn't good for the heavier lifts.

I'm not doing 5x5 as I'm still incorporating some isolation exercises but I'm looking to up those lifts within the next few weeks.

I shall keep this here as a log of my progress :)
Welcome back!

That pain is coming from your adductors. Lacrosse ball RIGHT up in the in hip insertion and lots of stretching.
Garage floor is pretty solid, barbell has hit the floor many a time, it gets a good old thumping when I'm deadlifting. Always a bit worried when squatting though that I might fail and get trapped or wrapped up with the bar somehow, I have failed but I've so far managed to just sort of let go and move out of the way.:o

Definitely time for a power rack, should have bought one years ago but lost interest in heavy training and just did volume work and running for years (too long), it's really only the last 24 months or so that I've had the urge to push myself with heavier weights again. Reading and following some of the training logs on here has definitely inspired me to get back into it.

Definitely get yourself a rack. I've had mine for about 8 years and never needed it once until a few months ago when I ripped the ligaments connecting my back & pelvis at the bottom of the squat and without the cage I would have been flattened and very seriously injured.

From my experience I would say that free standing spotters/catchers or those attached to a squat rack are no good as the power rack contains the weight in the frame if the weight is dropped and is really the only safe way to squat heavily.
Stoodles, hopefully these are some better back shots? need to put more work in to posing! (Viewed a quick guide on BB.com)

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Now I'm deadlifting again I should see some reasonable gainnnz.
Shooting pains on your inside leg? Sounds like it could be an artifact of knee collapse at heavy weight... and if so, this means your adductors will fire up to pull you out of trouble.

Moving your legs together essentially means they pull at a 'better' angle, but you basically need to strengthen glute med to address this.

Banded squats and lady exercises, methinks. Also, think about any tight spots you may have up there.

Bear in mind this could also be a damaged bundle of fibres in spasm... at which point, the answer is rollering, and light stretching/squatting.

Post a video of a big squat from the back in the 'form' thread to get a better diagnosis and remediation plan.

Excellent, thanks for the advice. I tried some stretching this morning and the pain is definitely still there! It's annoying but I think I know what the issue is..

As you mentioned...my knees. Not necessarily weakness, I think it's more technique related, I feel when I press my legs back up, my right knee doesn't stay vertical.....If that makes sense? My right knee pushes outwards and upwards, instead of just upwards?

Welcome back!

That pain is coming from your adductors. Lacrosse ball RIGHT up in the in hip insertion and lots of stretching.

Rubbing my inner thigh with a lacrosse ball? :p I'd give anything a try to get rid of this pain. I feel my squats are the only thing lacking at the moment.
Rubbing my inner thigh with a lacrosse ball? :p I'd give anything a try to get rid of this pain. I feel my squats are the only thing lacking at the moment.

You do know this calls for some American Pie-style grinding with your thigh up on a kitchen worktop or something? Dodgy as, but awesome nonetheless. :D

I had a word with our (temporary) resident physio (I have some horrific tightness at the proximal insertion point of nasties like adductor magnus) and she suggested:

- Slacking off the distal insertion (kneel down on the afflicted leg);
- Stretch forwards and sideways to really work into that area.

She also admitted that it was a pretty hard place to get to. But I wasn't about to ask for soft tissue work. :eek:
Got to love some good lighting for some ego boosting vanity shots


Legs probably look weird as due to hypermobility they flex backwards and thats how I usually naturally stand, wasnt paying attention to what I was doing while photographing myself.

edit: just realised my shorts match my room!
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