OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

i was thinking for bench pressing and incline db press.
I know it's not illegal, but unfortunately neither is doing 50 reps with 5kg on that pulldown machine as I see many people. :D

I know that 5x5 is for strength but a bit more volume is needed for bodybuilding, I was just wondering if it's likely to get any results if only change my bench exercises and leave the rest as it is now.

It would depends, what results are you after? what are you trying to achieve?
Quite a gap between the last lot

February 09
March 09

May 09

My bodyfat has gone up quite a bit due to bulking and I damaged my foot during April so was unable to do cardio which hit me hard. Just a note, I do change my boxers :P I'm aware they are the same in each set of photos, but I just happen to own a lot of CK boxers hehe

Anyway, here goes





C+C as always guys, always helps me too see where I need to improve
It would depends, what results are you after? what are you trying to achieve?

Well I've been at 80-85(start at 50, last set ca do about 4-5 reps) for quite a while now, and want to to get my bench at around 100 in the future.
Rest of the body I'm happy with my strength and just want lean mass (that's why I'm keeping a high volume), but chest is embarassing me.:o

Steedie, put on quite a bit of mass there, very visible on arms and back, and looks like your bodyfat hasn't increased, maybe even dropped a bit.
I'd insist on the shoulders and dropping the bodyfat a bit, but nevertheless, you've made obvious progress there. :)
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Cheers for that guys

My bodyfat is creeping up slowly, I think I'm going to bulk until the end of the summer then cut for a few months

Hopefully should have put on enough mass then that I look fairly decent slimmed down
I play rugby too, but it's all about technique. Get the technique right and you'll get it. The DL is probably one of the best exercises ever. I love it love it love it. :D

As you say practice is key. And try increments of just 1 or 2kg rather than anything much bigger. Confidence is important too as is strength obviously. But strength is nothing without form and technique. :)

That spot on.
I like to use a spotter on DL. Not only to help with heavy weight but to see if my forms good. DL can **** your back up if done wrong.

I like to do 'DL or leg press' then a fast short sprint, then on to 'press ups or shoulder press then do it again untill i fall on the floor unable to move for rugby training hehe :D

FULLY star out swear words - words jumbled or not.
how does someone help spot you in dl's other than to tell you how bad form was after the rep/set?

Was thinking the same.

At a guess, the only time you could really be 'spotted' would be when you stall. I suppose if they stood infront of you and helped bring your upper body up somehow (providing your legs haven't failed). Tbh you might as well just accept failure and admit defeat! Like being spotted for lateral raises and bicep curls, mostly, pointless!
That spot on.
I like to use a spotter on DL. Not only to help with heavy weight but to see if my forms good. DL can **** your back up if done wrong.

I like to do 'DL or leg press' then a fast short sprint, then on to 'press ups or shoulder press then do it again untill i fall on the floor unable to move for rugby training hehe :D

1) Fully star out swear words.

2) Spotter on DL?! When you come back, please explain!
Only thing I can think of is someone to watch you and make sure you're sticking to form

Freefaller, hate to sound cheeky and ask but was wondering if you had any C+C on my latest progress pics. You've been really helpful on the last two sets and it's always to know if I'm still lagging behind or areas I'm neglecting
Deadlift is one of the few exercises that there is no real way to spot.

Steedie- Nice progress from Feb, seem to be gaining muscle while lowering your bodyfat quite nicely. What sort of critique are you looking for? Just keep gaining all over, without worrying about anything getting too big, or anythign lagging behind :)
Hi dun :)

Thanks for the comments

I just want to make sure I am aware of what areas aren't getting the attention they need. For example I thought my shoulders had come on loads, but one of the first comments was about my shoulders lacking

It's very hard to see yourself, and be able to tell what isn't growing as much as others as obviously you see it every day
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Hi dun :)

Thanks for the comments

I just want to make sure I am aware of what areas aren't getting the attention they need. For example I thought my shoulders had come on loads, but one of the first comments was about my shoulders lacking

It's very hard to see yourself, and be able to tell what isn't growing as much as others as obviously you see it every day

One thing I would say mate, which would make your size and symmetry improve quicker than anything else, is to practise your posing. I'm not great at it by any means but if you put a bit of time in you will see big improvements in the pictures and it will be easier to compare them as you will always pose in pretty much the same way once you get it down.
Hehe my posing is pee poor I know

Thing is, I have no idea about the best positions to show off each muscle group, and a few guys in the gym pose and take photos, but because I'm a lot smaller than them and don't have a great deal to show off, I'd feel silly asking if they could help me out

It's definitely something I'll look at though mate, thanks
Steedie. You've put on some obvious muscle, though you don't seem very symmertrical, and could do with dropping some BF still as it's hampering your aesthetics a little IMO. Your tris are lagging a bit. However you're clearly looking more powerful and you have dropped some fat in some areas but retained in others. I think you could do with concentrating a little more on the fat loss, still keep the heavy hardcore lifting, but maybe bias your training with some HIIT for 6-8 weeks and perhaps throw in 2 or 3 full body work outs (with HIIT and cardio in between) every other week instead of a traditional split just to shock the system into a change. How you feeling? Stronger? How's your appetite? How's your diet?
Yeah definitely feeling stronger, the weights have shot up in the last few months and just generally feel really good these days

I'm eating a lot more than I was, still good stuff, get through about 3300-3500kcal a day, and that has really helped with putting on mass, but unfortunately, it just seems to result in my bf creeping up too

You reckon maybe doing HIIT on my current cardio days (Tuesday/Thursday) and throwing an extra HIIT day over the weekend could help? Although your suggestion does sound very good

I'm going to know I've made awesome progress when you're pleased with my tris hehe, that's my aim :p That's three times now :D

Thanks once again though mate, helpful as always
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