sorry to crash the thread guys...
Nice work guys

I want the tonage < new word right there
Basically I'm 20, and for the last two and a half , mebe three years I've weighed v.close to the 16stone mark.. I've got Irritable Bowel Syndrome which I've almost but not quite got my finger on, basically I had to stop eating all the trash which had turned me into a fatty (I also have myself to blame for eating it)
I've managed to get down to 12stone now... hell of a weight loss IMO, I've got what I consider to be good upper strength but my stomach and man boobs look vile, hell I wouldn't even want to take my shirt off infront of a female...
What can I do to get rid of it.. and get more toned ? I know you can't lose fat in one area, but at the moment the more I lose weight.. the more loose my jeans go on me

and it doesn't seem to fly off my stomach !
My Diet might be abit rubbish but its basically the following..
* Breakfast , 2 pieces of toast with strawberry jam
* Lunch 4 weetabix with milk and a sprinkle of sugar
* Dinner (last meal of the night) Potatoes, either chicken , beef, pork something like that
I understand that I probably need to lose body fat and then gain muscle, the only way to do this is work my butt off down the Gym or go for long bike rides ?
I currently do some physical work around the farm and have started doing pull ups ( about 12-15 each night at the moment, as I don't want to damage myself.. build up slowly

If this isn't the place to post this please say and I will start another thread or stick it elsewhere
** I will try and post some pics later of my top half

Cheers, John