if Rad had more help with the moderation then these things just wouldnt happen. The server is, for the most part, great. people get on and things get built, we all help eachother out.
highlight for a rant
however when somebody is griefing, causing agro, starting arguments, accusing, nothing is done other complain about the resulting arguments from those actions.
When will stood in toStrings house and refused to move for example. you all know the problems tostring had with will. you all knew that will and toString should have stayed away from eachother, and toString at least tried to. Bit hard when Will's standing in his building though, isnt it? But instead of complaining about will and getting something done, you ignored him and complained about the resulting argument instead. That doesnt make sense does it? how many times to toString ask Will, politely, to get out of his building? you lot ignored it. How many times did Will insult toString? you lot ignored that till ToString started back at him.
When Will blew up my bridge, again, you all complained about the argument that ensued, despite me saying I was fine if he rebuilt it. He continued with arguments, accusing ME of trying to bait him and as a result you lot complain about the argument AGAIN rather than the cause, someone suggested i need a ban...when he blew up MY bridge?? did he rebuild it? no. we ended up doing it. And as far as arguing goes, can any of you recall what i actually said to will? tell me please, as im at a loss as to how i was arguing at all.
Like i said on the server, i'm sorry im not one of these people who ignore griefers and trouble causers like some of you do -i want the attenion to be focused on the cause of the problems, not the resulting arguments. And that doesnt just mean the problems Tostrings and I have had with Will, i mean all of it. Waa's alleged griefing, the massive amounts of materials he managed to accumulate in his tower which would only seem possible by breaking rule #7 and probable looting. what got done? nothing - he left of his own accord leaving that tower in ruins after he blew it up.
I put a lot of effort in to helping people out and building and am very much a team player - i still havent managed to build my own place yet because of this. I don't expect people to be hacked off with me just because i dont put up with that crap, that's called having a laugh.
edit: and now im temp banned?
That is VERY poorly judged, Rad, considering Maxi and furburger were the ones baiting will (whether it was for a laugh or not). I just want to play the damn game and have fun. none of this ******. I should remind you it wasnt me and will you told to stop arguing last night, it was tostring and will. I wasnt involved other than posting here asking you to sort this out as I was fed up with it. People then complained about me posting here, too.
Can't win this one can I ?