I didnt request anything to be moved, Taz the build you have shown is my Lincoln memorial build, I wasnt fussed about moving anything over as not playing minecraft much. me and Andy stuck the contents of the resource house into chests.
Perfect, I am nicely outside of this areaNewly marked out carto with the area to be deleted for 'unstable land' marked:
Worldedit has a /snow type command so I could potentially snowify that area sometime.
Your place is now a winter wonderland, though your torches are starting to thaw it
Coords for your new home are -3217 75 1351, just ask an admin to port you there next time you are on.
Hey, can you add me also? "ciaronnixon" is my MC username, already reg'd on linktart - Kainz and/or PR_UK can vouch for me.
You need to join the Minecraft group on the Linktart website for me to be able to whitelist you.
Didn't know that was possible, yay for mods. Me and Siew will have a good go at landscaping our new home over the coming weeks and hopefully you can add a little more
I've just done an update to the group plugin code to make it so that people not in the group can't see anything in the Minecraft Server tab (logout to see what it looks like). This should reduce this sort of thing in future.