OcUK Minecraft Server - Rules & Chat

Haven't found a single cow or sheep in about 20mins, this spawning rule stuff sucks. I even went to a place no one is near to, and still nothing!
Just realised I had a portal as an entrance to my nether cave which has of course been made live now. Would it be possible for a mod to place 'portal blocks' in place of the real ones as I think this will stop the portal actually working. Fully understand if you can't!
FT is the server running as well as it was before the update? cpu/ram etc. It's certainly not playing as well, random lag, mobs crawl along and die really slowly, I set 1 tnt off and it took 5 seconds to actually do dmg.
Mining blocks is fine however.

Not sure if its 1.5 or dodgy bukkit/plugin.
The sky is also spazzing out, and minecarts are unusable due to what appears to be lag, but pressure plate and button operated doors are working perfectly, really really strange.
It's nice to be able to play on the server again as I'd updated to 1.5 as soon as it came out and couldn't be bothered to downgrade.

Whilst I've been off someones had a snoop in my clearly marked private and dangerous underground room, they seem not to have deactivated the security measures though as the rooms now a lot bigger. Don't you just love pressure switches and lots of TNT covered with sand :) To who ever did explore, if you actually lost anything of value then let me know and I'll replace it.
Ok been away a while - Will we resume with the above ground track? or make a nether one again... it was so much better as a nether track :D - will post on LT
Hi, just after some help really, Ihave tried to instal the Misa Texture pack &having an issue of it not working, this is a copy of my post on Misa's forums, any help would be great:

Hi Misa,

Im really hoping that you may be able to help me or someone else out there can, I have only had Minecraft for a week a mate of mine suggested using your texture pack. I have followed the instrictions to the letter, but it will not run, I am using all the links on your instructions & i follow the instructions.

With your instructions when i start up Mc I get the loading data then a black screen that turns to white & frezzes the window.

I tried deleating the bin file again & ran Mc, game loads & then I get a Crash error report.

I tested this on another persons texture pack & followed their instructions, think they was similar to yours & again i get the Black then white screen...

Can someone please help me... I have no idea nor does my mate why its not running it! I'm sure there must me someting in my system thats causing this issue

Just incase there are any really cool tech noobs that could help me my system details are:

OS - Windows 7 Home Premium
Processor i7 960
grafix - ATI 5870

if anyone can help me i be your friend for eveeeeeeer lol


Hmm... I've just installed his TP and it's running just fine. Do you want me to talk you through it so we can eliminate the possibility of you making an error?
thx, can i keep that as an option? i have been talked thorough it a few times already, in fact i done it so many times: infact this is what im doing from memory:

open run comand copy & paste this command: %appdata%/.minecraft/

opens window & i deleate Bin file. open up a new window & run Minecraft 0 minecraft reinstalls everything.

close minecraft

down load patch & save in texture map file ( i down load from Link 1)

download the patcher programe & hit Patch - close installer

run Minecraft

I then get mesage saying installed & then black then white screen

did i miss anyting?
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