OcUK Minecraft Server - Rules & Chat

I've tested the portal gun mod in single player and have to say its very cool, can create the boots from portal so you can fall long distances unhurt and the portal gun itself is very fun to play around with and not too hard to craft(takes abit of diamond if i remember rightly) :D
Sounds like a good idea.

Can we also have the golden goggles to increase breathing under water again.

I am happy to update any administrative documentation if anyone wants me to create a full guide and post in on LinkTart!

I personally think we need to move most of the conversations over to linktart instead of this thread as it doesnt make good reading at 253+ pages.

Anything useful is lost is the thread.
I like the sound of water and lava control, although I dread what lava control will be used for! Extremely happy about pistons too.

Glad to hear that the cave is done, my macro made my life a lot easier with that :)

Will be on tomorrow and will be bringing TNT :)
I'll look into another underwater breathing plugin. I much prefer the golden helmet one to the pumpkin one, but it had issues previously.

In regards to docs, please feel free to start writing guides/etc. I will just warn you that the admins may at some point reorganise them or edit them too.
I'd definitely appreciate an underwater breathing mod of some kind right now as the project we're working on is a bit of a headache without one :)
Server Update

* Bukkit updated
* Pistons plugin added
* McM added back for testing
* LogBlock updated

New Bans

* lemon_mufc permabanned
* eddieman147_ktfc permabanned
anyone know if it's possible to play minecraft through a proxy server? and if so how one sets the proxy server settings?
anyone know if it's possible to play minecraft through a proxy server? and if so how one sets the proxy server settings?

yes i play it through a web proxy but you cant use any texture packs or mods
best way to work with that is make a copy of you mincraft.jar file with any changes you want to keep and rename is as you need each one.

I have 2 minecraft.jar file


i just change the name as i need them to minecraft.jar and then run the game.

To play MC through a web proxy you have to use MC.net and a proxy server.
www (dot) tuvpn (dot) com

depending on the web browser you use on how to add it in.
I use 2 web browsers so my work place cant see the one i use for playing MC

oh also ignor my post regards pistons above it does not work.
For pistons it is just an iron block activated using red stone and direction change by right clicking on it
anyone know if it's possible to play minecraft through a proxy server? and if so how one sets the proxy server settings?

I managed to setup a Bitvise Tunnelier server on my personal home server so I can play from work with the windows client + texture packs via SSL (but I don't play at work - screen is too visi...I mean I'm working too hard!)
I'll look into allowing access and a small guide on how to connect if needed tonight. Really simple and works like a charm.

To set proxy settings (assumes you have a proxy available):
1. Copy your Minecraft.exe to %appdata%\.minecraft
2. Create a batch file (create a text file and rename to Minecraft.bat) in the same folder
3. Set the text in the batch file to: java -DsocksProxyHost=ProxyIP -DsocksProxyPort=ProxyPort -Xmx800m -jar Minecraft.exe
(Obviously change ProxyIP and ProxyPort)
4. Launch minecraft using the batch file!
Aww, I needed pistons yesterday to move a rig I used for constructing bridge supports, now I don't need it :p, would have made the job so much easier.
an automatically building bridge(and repairing), a floodgate system to control lava or water flows, auto repairing walls/buildings

oh and player/tnt cannons and much more!
So pleased you have added pistons :)

And Marky, pistons are blocks that, when powered by redstone, move blocks that they're pointing at one block in the direction they're pointing. They can push the player, sand or gravel high into the air and can be used to block off water or lava. :D
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