Think you'll need someone to vouch for you Azzemojo, that's an essential part of the white list. Just registering on OCUK won't be enough for FT to OK you without a vouch.
I've got about 7 stacks of gunpowder ready to be made into TNT, it's not loads but will certainly help! Just need some sand and we can start some serious clearing!
On a side note, aren't pistons going to be added in / or around 1.6 ? Will it be (literally) the same as the mod? or a similar thing ? I've not used Pistons or seen them, as I don't really follow MC too much away from this thread / server so would be awesome if someone gets an example up and running and I could have a look.
FrenchTart I think we should get rid of the Underwater Breathing plugin as it just crashes the client everytime you wear a gold helmet - someone else crashed as well as me and one other and when you return your gold helmet has gone
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