OcUK Minecraft Server - Rules & Chat

rsatdcms, if you damage someone's property, could you please rebuild it to how it was. I logged on to find a section of my sandstone tunnel replaced with sand and /lb stated that you were the one who placed them there.

It's no big deal as it only took a few minutes to fix, but please respect peoples builds.

Colosseum Progress:

  • I have learned how to spell Colosseum without checking
  • Area has been cleared and partially landscaped, 75% was done between me and Welshy by hand and and the rest was thanks to Scrlk's TNT!
  • Furthest points of the outer wall marked and arks have been built beteween them
  • Furthest points for the inner ring have been built

To do:

  • Build the Colosseum!
  • Create the outer walls, may need some help designing the pillars and arks etc.
  • Create the arks and fill the inner ring
  • Build the stands with entrances in proper tiers
  • Build the 5m ring wall
  • Build the 'Emperor's Balcony' for mods etc.
  • Make a path to it from spawn

So a lot to do! Me and welshy were discussing it and thought it would be a good idea to make it into a PvP arena! You could have the two fighting in the arena (traps will be made) and we thought it would be cool if traps and other things could be activated from the 'Emperor's Balcony'. The balcony would probably be occupied by Tef and his lighting-bringing powers!

What we have done so far:

Doesn't look much but the clearing took ages and a lot of time went into planning and designing the arc as this is a half scale replica which we would like to be as realistic as possible! Everything done so far is to scale and we are going to use some pictures and diagrams to design the rest.


Message for mods:

Very close to where we are building is a little outpost, although it is not really in the way, it wouldn't look nice and would interfere with landscaping. I wouldn't normally ask but I have never seen the owner on before and the place is really small and basic. I would gladly build it somewhere else if I had to! The owner's name is Scarath1 and I would appreciate it if you would check to see whether he plays anymore as no one I asked had ever heard of him! Here is the place:


Just Like Tescos you want to knock anyting in your path lol, looking good tho, can we reinact scenes from Spartacus? I have my half naked women skin ready!
Hi guys! Can I be whitelisted for the server? Gundog can vouch for me :)

I can vouch for Mewsly, he is an IRL friend, so if he tries anything I can give him some stick when I see him! :)

Hey there mewsly :). You've now been whitelisted also. As above please read the OP & any questions just ask. I'm sure Gun will show you the ropes :).

Has the server updated or anything since last night?

Am getting the dreaded 'internal exception java.net.socketexception connection reset' everytime I load up. Only small parts of the world loads for me so I only have to take a few steps before I fall down forever into nowhere. :(
OK, i have created a 4 -way intersection for rails. Its design is much like a roundabout. And here is a video!

The real thing if anyone is interested in implementing it will be much neater ofc. this was just a small test.
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