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Slowly getting there...



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Has anyone found a fool proof way to make 3 or 4 way junctions with rail yet?

Hinderance and gazzab have done a sterling job with a couple of junctions along our railway, but they crap out more than they should and do strange things; however, I can't see a better way of doing them at the mo.

Also, whose railway is it between the huge domed rocket and spawn? I'm finally around 100 blocks or so from connecting our rail - any objections if I do?
Yeah, I'm not sure why they keep failing... I think Hind's is more reliable than mine and maybe a little neater now there are no floating blocks, but the circuitry involved confuses the hell outta me.

Jimbo and Jimbob seem to be getting on alright with their railways, how are you two getting on with junctions? Willhub, i'll sort your station for you tomorrow. Nice progress on the rest of the network IamNOTKitten, Jimbob's rail link to spawn is about 150 blocks away now so not bad going at all. I've got a feeling a lot of the issues will be solved by the greater boost speeeds coming in the next update :)
Yo if you want help with rails il get working on 4-way prototypes
- do you mean single rails? as in one track which works 2 directions? or
- Double railed - with 2 one-way tracks.

Just had a quick look - will make a prototype tmorow, how about a rail roundabout? - you stop a little way from the roundabout and choose the destination via buttons - the destination sign will light up or w/e. Once destination selected - there is a button to activate the cart which sends it on the roundabout and out at the selected exit. (before coming to and leaving each junction there is a Reset latch to make things easier).

although not a 4 way interchange so to speak, this will serve a purpose, just like good ol british roundabouts on the roads... I'l post a video tomorrow with a working model hopefully.

On an Aside note::: Notch is hopefully planning to include the trapdoor mod as official!! http://twitter.com/#!/notch/status/70058490764328960
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Looks like it's made of grass! :confused:

That's what gives him his ninja like stealth capabilities. The reason he is always sad ...

"Oh look someone to go hug"​
*looks around*
"Ah nice open grassy land, perfect for my house"
*Player starts work*​
"Ooo he spotted me! Best go say hello!
*Gets within a 4 block radius of player*
*Turns aroud*
"Crap. Not another one who though I was a lump of grass .. fine ..."

Remember Creepers have feelings too...:p
Hey all just to let you know i have made a new doc on the linktart site
it shows the farm layout i use in game for my wood gathering.

This is a single cell of the one i have. Mine is 3 of the cells 2
beside each other and one across the top.

My current farm yield me 12 to 15 stack of wood.
it is a good and fast farm. well worth the build.
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