OcUK Minecraft Server - Rules & Chat

I don't think I get the aspect of "Unstable land"...

So it randomly regenerates whenever it likes? Why is that good? :p

Doubt it's random, it'll be initiated by FT or an admin or put on a schedule. Always refreshing land gives fresh resources, new land to explore and any new features (like ravines) will appear.
I don't think I get the aspect of "Unstable land"...

So it randomly regenerates whenever it likes? Why is that good? :p

Well it means we can build giant genitals on the landscape and snigger like hyenas when a mod generates a zoom.it world map :p
This is rapidly turning into the episode from Red Dwarf..

"So what is it?"

It's a white hole...

But that new stuff is only available in that patch of land? And it constantly changes?

It hasn't changed for weeks now. The regeneration of it is admin controlled so we only do it when certain new things come in patches and/or it is completely mined out of resources and we want players to be able to get new ones.

If the tools work properly this time we can also make it really interesting there - for example, we created a floating island area for a while.
FT, I know you're planning on updating the OP or making a new thread - probably have already drafted something...but thought I'd "spruce" up the OP. Might be useful if you haven't already started on something.

LinkTart's Minecraft SMP Server
If you haven't played on this server before then you need to read this post. Failure to do so may find yourself banned!

Server Details:
Name: OcUK Members Server (hosted by LinkTart)
Game: Minecraft (Beta 1.6.6)
WWW: www.linktart.co.uk
Max Players: 30
IP: linktart.co.uk

Mumble Voice Chat:
Download Mumble http://mumble.sourceforge.net/
IP: - Port: 54942
Pass: ocuk
Name: Your Name

Free image upload:
Want to upload pictures to show off your work use this:

Donating towards server costs:
Nobody is required to donate towards the cost of hosting the server, however donations are gratefully accepted. All donations will be put towards upgrading the LinkTart dedicated box.
Visit www.linktart.co.uk to donate.
For a possibly limited time only gifts will be given for donations. More info here http://linktart.co.uk/blog/new-donation-system-thank-you-presents/

Whitelist Policy:
To join the server you have to be on the whitelist.

Step 1. To join the whitelist, register on www.linktart.co.uk
Step 2. Wait for your approval to come through in Email and activate your Linktart account
Step 3. Navigate to Groups -> Minecraft -> Minecraft Server -> Register
Step 4. Enter your Minecraft username (case-sensitive) and await Admin approval

Server Rules:
  1. The server operates a whitelist policy. To be placed on the whitelist, you have to have been a member of OcUK Forums for a reasonable amount of time (reasonable being at my discretion) OR be a friend of an existing player who can vouch for you. Please post your Minecraft name and the OcUK name of your sponsor (if applicable) in the thread and you'll be added when possible.
  2. Players are expected to use COMMON SENSE when playing! This includes not building right next to somebody's building without asking, building something massive and dwarfing someone else's building without asking, generally peeing off other players. If I have to get involved in player disputes, my decision is final and if both players can't use their common sense it's likely that both parties will be suspended!
  3. FIRE and the use of Flint/TNT is allowed on the server, however Rule 2 (Common Sense) applies. There have been a number of burning incidents where players have "accidentally" selected flint and burnt down half the forest and several buildings because they set a fire. If players cannot use Fire/TNT responsibly then the usage of these will be REMOVED from the server and the guilty parties suspended/banned as applicable.
  4. If players are found to be griefing (intentionally damaging other players property) then a permanent ban will be handed out, the same applies from stealing from players chests.
  5. To Reserve a space of land, place a sign and clearly mark the extents of the area you require and the date you claimed it. Again, common sense applies with regards to what you are building and where in relation to other players. If you are planning a big build, discuss this with other players on the server before commencing work!
  6. Sky Bridges... Nobody likes seeing random one block wide bridges running everywhere. If you need to make a bridge/lift like that then remove it once you have made it. Don't make a tower of dirt to climb up a building then just leave it behind you! If you are making an actual bridge for rail/walking then this has to be at least 3 blocks wide and have supports so it doesn't look daft.
  7. Building in Spawn isn't restricted, but again, use your common sense. We don't want massive buildings dwarfing the area around spawn so please keep any buildings there within reason. Otherwise they will be removed or moved to an area further out.
  8. No hacking of the game, this includes item duping or any other form of hacking. Please note that the FlyMod is considered a hack so do NOT use it! I also ask players not to use transparent texture packs as I believe them to be against the spirit of the game.
  9. ----------??????-----------No mob spawner traps are allowed, they take up far too much room, are ugly if built at surface level and there are already multiples one available for use including my own personal one!
  10. If you do not like somebody's building do NOT take it upon your shoulders to destroy/grief it, I take a dim view of this and you won't like me when I'm angry! If you have to, speak to the owner and sort it out between yourselves and involve me only if nessecary. To this end SIGNS MUST BE DISPLAYED CLEARLY SHOWING WHO BUILT THE PROPERTY and these must not be messed with by anyone.
  11. If community mining/exploring all goods should be shared equally between players involved unless a direct agreement with those players is in place at the start.
Warning : Every move you make on this server is logged I will name & shame you with the proof.

Useful Commands:

/spawn [Teleports you to the spawn point of the server]
/tpc <playerName> [Sends a request to someone that you'd like to teleport to them]
/tpca [Confirms that you you want this person to teleport to you]
/lb area <distance> [Shows you a log of what people have done from a given distance from your current location. i.e. /lb area 5 (distance of 5 blocks)]
/home set (Sets your home location)
/who (Show's who is online)


Unstable Land
This is a corner of the map that you can do whatever you want with. Explore, mine, blow up, etc.
It found here (the missing square at the top):

To get there type:
/home french
You will see an obsidian block and cobblestone 'V'shape which indicates everythings on the otherside of that intersection is 'unstable land'.

It has the name 'unstable land' because this area can be deleted and regenerated at any time with no warning. You don't want to build a permanent home here.
Currently when the area is regenerated the landscape looks the same as before, this is because the land is generated is based upon the world seed.
The regeneration is admin controlled and is only done when certain new things come in patches and/or it is completely mined out of resources and we want players to be able to get new ones.
If the tools work properly this time we can also make it really interesting there - for example, we created a floating island area for a while.

Can my non-OcUK friend play on the server?
Yes! Re-read rule #1 again.
They need to register, post in this thread and register on LT and you will have to post in this thread stating that you 'vouch' for them, as per the whitelist policy section.
Be aware that if you are found inviting griefers/players that get banned, you may not be able to invite any other friends to the server.

Where can I build?
You can build near to spawn if you have a decent amount of common sense and adhere to the rules above.
Otherwise you can walk off into the distance and find an empty spot.
It works in the same way that the Don's forum works on here. It's a place for the admins to discuss things about the server without having to deal with the stress of players asking them 1000 questions. It's a pretty standard practice.

I think you missed what I was trying to say. I'm aware the mods forum is private.

However, having perma banning / suspensions should be made viewable, so players can at least see the thought process and understand better.

I have absolutely no idea why Zum spoke to me on here in such manner, but I suppose that's a different question.

Also, need a banner for the new thread. I also think that much more discussions about the server should go on in here, as it's the OCUK server isn't it?
"I also think that much more discussions about the server should go on in here, as it's the OCUK server isn't it?"

Not sure what you mean. Can you explain further?

Oh it's just that I'm aware there are discussions on the linktart site aren't there?

Would it not be better to have everything in here except the mod talk?

Oh it's just that I'm aware there are discussions on the linktart site aren't there?

Would it not be better to have everything in here except the mod talk?

People are free to discuss things wherever they like as far as I'm concerned. The majority of discussion occurs here and that's fine with me.

Oh it's just that I'm aware there are discussions on the linktart site aren't there?

Would it not be better to have everything in here except the mod talk?

I do tend to agree - I have no idea why we even have a forum at Linktart - If it's an "OcUK Server" it should be discussed on the OcUK forums
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