Another 1.8 sneak peak. Kinda looks like a vertical glass half block? Note how it is recessed into that log window.
Coco beans and cookies are currently the most useless addition to the game imo.
I'm not sure how the cooked chicken thing will work because feathers should be a chicken drop...
Surely axe + chicken + crafting blockMaybe shears + chicken = feathers and killing chickens = carcass or something.
any1 able to tell me the diff between a save-all and a world backup on servers?? im messing around with something atm but dont know how to keep it backed up incase sommin goes wrong? using bukkit btw
No, I can't log it at the momentIs everyone else logging in OK?
I seeeeem to have had my account deleted from linktart. It was 'mrthing', I re-registered using the same name last night, no idea if i've been added to the whitelist again yet, but I was a bit let down. Lost all my stuffs.
I seeeeem to have had my account deleted from linktart. It was 'mrthing', I re-registered using the same name last night, no idea if i've been added to the whitelist again yet, but I was a bit let down. Lost all my stuffs.
Can you recall when you were last logged in?