OcUK Minecraft Server - Rules & Chat

ooo somthing i hadn't seen before is in industrial craft now energyomats and itemomats so you can sell stuff 9including energy) using IC's ingame currency.

so everyone could be hooked up to the grid and charged per unit of energy they use by whoever runs the powerplant, who could use the money to either buy items from players to build new power stuff or turn into ress.
craftbook for bukkit...is elevators, gates, retractable bridges, light switches, improvex redstone stuff:)

runecraft.. which adds lots of different things from portals to buffs etc

mobarena - arena type things where players team up and fight waves of mobs and get rewards at end

itemcraft is a platform to be able to install modloader mods ie mo creatures (which is excellent), flans planes etc but as tefal said, this one would need client side modding (i dont mind making a downloadable client if peeps want it)

i bought a multiplay server a couple of weeks ago and have been testing them out, learning permissons and all the backend stuff..they work fine alongside most mods,

list of mods im running at the mo is:

Borderguard turbo
Command book/World edit/World guard (awesome admin tools)
Craftbook 3.0 aplha
Dungeoncrawl (dungeon generator which is hard lol)
Heroic death
magic carpet (though i am having permissions probs with this one)
Remote bukkit

think thats the same as most of our mods??

If any1 fancies coming on to have a look, let me know and ill add you to my whitelist (its only a small 8 slot server jobby so dont expect linktart quality heh, i just got it to learn really)
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well the guy has stoped doing Ic, and mvoed on to IC2

apparently most of Ic is horribly coded (he says he was just learning java when he started) so he's rebuilding it from the ground up with new code that's less cpu intensive and less buggy)

this was announced today.

so until lthis new version comes out Ic1 will not be updated to run on mc 1.8 or any other mc update.


so hopefully the next version wil lbe more server friendly and comaptable.
Can any of you help me get my minecraft working again? keeps saying crashed on firefox an IE :( . Plus its just a black screen on the DL vesion :(
Just spotted on Notch's twitter feed that those new Endermen mobs are basically going to be weeping angels from Dr Who.

They are peaceful until you look directly at them, then if you look away they rush towards you and attack! Should be interesting getting one of them popping out of nowhere in a deep dark mine...
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