OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Four - "Yellow" DISCUSSION

Colin_da_Killer said:
wow kinda strict rules for a competition based on trust if you ask me... we are all having fun here after all..

Just my 2p.

the majority of the rules are to create a format, size, boarders and stuff. Posting in the entry thread is kinda obvious, otherwise you can claim you posted it in the Network forum. The judges's comment one is for everyone else fairness, as for this one in question as to the photo must be the taken by the person entering it. Kinda obvious and implied if you ask me, otherwise we'll be entering shots googled off the net.

I realise this is a supposed to be fun, but it also needs to be a level playing field.
Fstop11 said:
An entry should be of your own. Otherwise, Whats the point in entering in the first place.

I think that to save any hassle is that the picture is retaken or reshot at another location etc and then entered and then the new rule should be applied in the next round

My 2p worth

Blackvault said:
I think that to save any hassle is that the picture is retaken or reshot at another location etc and then entered and then the new rule should be applied in the next round

My 2p worth


That’s ridiculous, I have in no way attempted to be devious as to the nature of the image, it has been agreed that the image has been accredited to my girlfriend Kim, the Judges have agreed, end of!

You can have your 2p back.
This is entirely jeuvenile, how have I attempted to either undermine or deviate from the rules of the competition?

If the judges decide that the image must be withdrawn, then I will, but I think the rest of you need to grow up and stop playing with the semantics of the situation. The fact is that I entered an image and accredited it to my girlfriend of 5 years in the spirit of joining in the fun. I thought the idea was to appreciate the photography, not engage in political discussion.

I apologise to everyone else, it was not my intention to cause any ripples :(
SteveOBHave said:
This is entirely jeuvenile, how have I attempted to either undermine or deviate from the rules of the competition?

If the judges decide that the image must be withdrawn, then I will, but I think the rest of you need to grow up and stop playing with the semantics of the situation. The fact is that I entered an image and accredited it to my girlfriend of 5 years in the spirit of joining in the fun. I thought the idea was to appreciate the photography, not engage in political discussion.

I apologise to everyone else, it was not my intention to cause any ripples :(

You've done nothing wrong. Try not to get angry.

We just decided it was probably best to clarify the situation that arose. After all if we allowed your photo it could set a precedent which would make it even harder for us. eg. "here's one my gran took in Spain last week"
SteveOBHave said:
If the judges decide that the image must be withdrawn, then I will, but I think the rest of you need to grow up and stop playing with the semantics of the situation. The fact is that I entered an image and accredited it to my girlfriend of 5 years in the spirit of joining in the fun. I thought the idea was to appreciate the photography, not engage in political discussion.

I apologise to everyone else, it was not my intention to cause any ripples :(

Nope, you don't have to withdraw the image - we're more than happy if you're posting on behalf of your girlfriend.

I apologise for the situation that has arisen - the judges have collectively made our decision as to this image and the rules will be clarified for the next round.

Now, can we all move on and be friends again? :)
i personally don't have any problems with the image as he has clearly stated that it's his GF that has taken the picture and he is not passing it off as his own, it's the same as if my gf wanted to join in the fun, i'd put her entry up and state it was my gf that took it.
RichDay said:
Nope, you don't have to withdraw the image - we're more than happy if you're posting on behalf of your girlfriend.

I apologise for the situation that has arisen - the judges have collectively made our decision as to this image and the rules will be clarified for the next round.

Now, can we all move on and be friends again? :)

Thank you; yes I would very much like to move on :) and I assure you that there will be no repeat of the situation.
Sorry but I still think this is kinda stupid. I think Steve has every right for full ownership of the photo and the points of the round should be credited to him. Honesty or not, he asked his GF to take the picture for him with his camera.

If you asked someone at a bar or on the streets to take a picture of u with your mates would the picture be that guys copyright ??? OFCOURSE NOT.

I'm not meaning to udnermine the judges decision, I just wish it wasn't made so fast without any thought. How can rules be based off trust and then *punished* when you are truthful, it's just gonna make people lie in the future. I don't think anyone will be asking their grandmother to take pictures in spain for them and I don't think anyone will take images from google, if they do, they are only cheating themselves. I don't Steve's situation is anything like those 2 comparisons.
Guys can't we just forget about his the judges made their decision and that should be finial. It's only a bit of fun!
Colin_da_Killer said:
I'm not meaning to udnermine the judges decision, I just wish it wasn't made so fast without any thought.

So three of us taking 20 minutes out from when we're supposed to be working to discuss this and come to a mutual agreement is making a decision too fast and without thought is it?

Without wishing to be rude you are posting about something you know nothing about.
RichDay said:
So three of us taking 20 minutes out from when we're supposed to be working to discuss this and come to a mutual agreement is making a decision too fast and without thought is it?

Without wishing to be rude you are posting about something you know nothing about.
What makes you more qualified as a judge for this decision than me? Other than the title for THIS forum? Seriously. Without wishing to be rude, but you are as experienced as a judge as I am and this is a commmunity photography comp for this forum so I think we should all get a say in the rules. Judges are there to make the decision for who wins or not and the points etc, not to make the forum rules for the competition, that I feel should be up for debate.

I probably won't be entering the competition anymore due to the obvious fact that I won't be getting high marks from now on but it doesn't bother me all that much. There are no prizes for this competition, that SHOULD mean that this is for FUN, which is is fastly not becoming any more.

Lets face facts here, the judges have no credentials to be so, therefore the competition could never be judged in a fair or accurate way since the beginning, thats another reason for this to be for FUN, the rules are there, but if something arises like this event, I think it should be discussed in the forum by all members who participate in the comp, not just the judges. The judges can easily have favourites, nto saying this would happen but I have seen entries where I would rate them far above some others et they get low graded marks for it. We do have some pro photographers in here so the level playing fields were not really there to begin with so these facicst rules are not helping anyway.
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RichDay said:
So three of us taking 20 minutes out from when we're supposed to be working to discuss this and come to a mutual agreement is making a decision too fast and without thought is it?

Without wishing to be rude you are posting about something you know nothing about.

I have accepted the Judges decision, hold no ill feeling towards it or the Judges and as such, feel that this should be the end of the discussion. I do appreciate the moral support Colin, but I believe that to maintain an even 'playing field' it is important to retain some clear rules.

EDIT: It seems that I have served mearly to highlight a potential grey area in the rules and the resulting rewrite of the rules makes sense to me.


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seems some people are getting their knickers in a twist over nothing :rolleyes:

And "Yellow"? Surely the only way someone could score badly on the theme is if the picture didn't have any yellow in it it all? :p
PaulStat said:
seems some people are getting their knickers in a twist over nothing :rolleyes:

And "Yellow"? Surely the only way someone could score badly on the theme is if the picture didn't have any yellow in it it all? :p

I'd give someone a better score for having no yellow in it!
Colin_da_Killer said:
Lets face facts here, the judges have no credentials to be so, therefore the competition could never be judged in a fair or accurate way since the beginning, thats another reason for this to be for FUN, the rules are there, but if something arises like this event, I think it should be discussed in the forum by all members who participate in the comp, not just the judges. The judges can easily have favourites, nto saying this would happen but I have seen entries where I would rate them far above some others et they get low graded marks for it. We do have some pro photographers in here so the level playing fields were not really there to begin with so these facicst rules are not helping anyway.

I really think this is just getting out of hand here.

Steve accepted the decision we made. I'm sure most people on here will agree the decision we reached was justified. Its always been implied, we just cleared it up.

And to quote Steve who sums it up perfectly:

feel that this should be the end of the discussion. I do appreciate the moral support Colin, but I believe that to maintain an even 'playing field' it is important to retain some clear rules.
Colin_da_Killer said:
What makes you more qualified as a judge for this decision than me? Other than the title for THIS forum? Seriously. Without wishing to be rude, but you are as experienced as a judge as I am and this is a commmunity photography comp for this forum so I think we should all get a say in the rules. Judges are there to make the decision for who wins or not and the points etc, not to make the forum rules for the competition, that I feel should be up for debate.

I probably won't be entering the competition anymore due to the obvious fact that I won't be getting high marks from now on but it doesn't bother me all that much. There are no prizes for this competition, that SHOULD mean that this is for FUN, which is is fastly not becoming any more.

Lets face facts here, the judges have no credentials to be so, therefore the competition could never be judged in a fair or accurate way since the beginning, thats another reason for this to be for FUN, the rules are there, but if something arises like this event, I think it should be discussed in the forum by all members who participate in the comp, not just the judges. The judges can easily have favourites, nto saying this would happen but I have seen entries where I would rate them far above some others et they get low graded marks for it. We do have some pro photographers in here so the level playing fields were not really there to begin with so these facicst rules are not helping anyway.

The problem with having an open forum for discussion of rules is that it takes forever to decide often with no clear consensus reached. If there were to be a major rewrite of the rules then yes I feel it would be fair to involve everyone but as we're adding a rule that has been implied from the start I can't see how it would be of benefit.

Judges are asked to remain impartial. I do not take into account personal feeling about an entrant when I mark his or her entry. I know and have personally met a few of the people from this forum but I do not mark them all in the top five every time, each picture is judged on it's own merits.

With regards to winning entries, sometime I am surprised at how photos do. My personal favourites from last round didn't even make the top five.
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