*** OcUK Powerlifting Totals ***

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It's hard work!
Just having 200+ on your shoulders is taxing lol. I've put 250 on a bar and unracked it before (no intention of squatting it), it's a killer :D
One of my friends at the gym still holds a world record (under 75kg) squat he got 280kg unequipped :eek:. He was telling me though about the current world record for equipped squat was something around 400-450kg I think, anyway he and his friends decided they wanted to feel how this world record feels on their back. He unracked, it had a little feel, and then went to re-rack it and then found that he was too short to out it back :p. It was so heavy it squashed him :D.
Lol! I think most people would be the same tbh, it would make us all 2" shorter at least lol
I remember the first time I started squatting free weight after having used the smith for 5/6 months.

I was boosting off an Olympic bench due to lack of a rack and the first thing I noticed after having just boosted was how much more my core and upper back was being recruited. Rather than just sliding up and down on rails!
FF can you please add a 100kg Bench Press for me please.

This was the hardest most grueling Personal Record yet.
I was terrified I'd hurt my arm again after the last time 8 months ago.

Managed it but was a pure struggle, had huge veins popping out of my neck and forehead apparently and my right arm is sore. On the exact spot I hurt my tendon the last time :(:(

Not touching the bench any time soon anyway.
Will be trying a 210kg squat tonight, after some 190kg doubles and then singles in 5kg increments. If i get it then next will will be aiming for 215, bit annoying not having anything smaller than 2.5kg plates!
Had a little break from regular gym time lately, but back in and managed a new PB bench of 120KG, after doing 2x sets of 100x6, which was another personal best, and I even managed to do 2 sets of 100x5, 1 set of 105x5 and 110x3 after hitting 120KG.

I really need to focus on sorting my lower back weakness out because it's really restricting my deadlift and squat, I fall forward with anything over 170KG for squats, and just stop with anything over 170KG in deadlifts. I reckon if I sort it out, my deadlift will jump quite a bit, as I find it quite easy to bring 200KG up to my knees until my lower back comes in to it.

So yeah, new PB! Update me Freefaller! :D

kylew -------- 120 / 170 / 170 -------- [125] ---- 460
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well, didnt have it in me for the 210. tried twice but it wasnt happening. will try to find something that I can wrap around the bar to make about 2.5kg. Might have to be stones in socks or something lol.
Try again next week!
well, didnt have it in me for the 210. tried twice but it wasnt happening. will try to find something that I can wrap around the bar to make about 2.5kg. Might have to be stones in socks or something lol.
Try again next week!

Cans of baked beans :cool: or fill up some bottles of water and hang them off either end.

That or go buy some chains :D
would love some chains!

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