*** OcUK Powerlifting Totals ***

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Squat 205kg, bench 122.5kg, deadlift 230 kg.

Phew! These will be surpassed shortly :D

Edit: oops body weight 91kg.

Please can I be added :)

edit 2: squat and deadlift belted
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that's how I made my dipping belt, as I already had a normal powerlifting belt, I bought a 1m chain and a quick release hook both rated for up to 100+kg for a bit more than a fiver.
You can definately get chains at a cheapo price per meter, I just don't remember if they really thick ones as ell, but there's nor reason for which they shouldn't. :)
can't you just buy regular thick chains from B&Q or something like that?
they should probably work out at less than half of that ridiculous price.

Nah, any thick chain like that will cost you money. Stus in construction and couldn't source anything drastically cheaper at trade price at that kind of weight.

Also these were slightly more expensive as they have olympic collars on the end.
Great website that, got a few things from there in the past.:cool:

Freefaller add me to the "Results for push press competition" if you want to. I've managed 138 kilos before with the most terrible form imaginable. I was attempting a standing military press and I ended up throwing the bar up rather than pressing it if that makes any sense. My days of doing that again are long gone!
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Hi all,

I've been training with both JackCarver and GDawg since the middle of December.

I'm 88Kg and cpmpleted the following one reps max's last week:

Bench = 110
Squat = 180 (Belt and knee wraps)
Dead lift = 170 (Belt and straps)


Nice squat, how low did you go?

I haven't been focusing on strength much recently but I think my lifts are getting there. Don't do 1 rep max but currently I'm doing

Bench - 130kg 3-5reps
Squat -120kg 3-5 reps
Dead lift - 150kg 4-6 reps

I think for 1 RM I'd be looking at something like bench 140kg, squat 135kg and deadlift 180kg.

I've gained about 4lbs in lean mass since my last update to my lifts and now weigh 80kg. Squating has been hard, only started doing it again in the last 4 weeks.
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Knee wraps add considerably to a squat. At this rate it might be worth splitting into equipped and non-equipped as per the powerlifting definition. Otherwise it's not an apples to apples comparison when dealing with bench/squat suits and knee wraps.
Hey all, Re ButchCoolidge squat was parallel or just below, definitely full squat... thought his face was going to explode...

Yea i agree i think we should have just the one list with indications of any aids. I think thats how we have always done on here even on the old table like...
Yes, but there's keeping it non-serious and fun and then there's letting it become silly. It seems slightly against the spirit for people to join, post in this thread a couple of times with big equipped lifts and then never return.

To be clear though, I'm not againnst equipped lifting in general.
Yes, but there's keeping it non-serious and fun and then there's letting it become silly. It seems slightly against the spirit for people to join, post in this thread a couple of times with big equipped lifts and then never return.

To be clear though, I'm not againnst equipped lifting in general.

This why G-Dawg's lifts were removed as he joined and posted only a handful of times to claim the top spot. Other members that no longer posted lifts were also removed too.

More than happy to have new forum members added to the table but I think it's only fair for non-regulars members lifts to be removed after a period of inactivity as it removes some of the determination and encouragement to try and move into the top 20-15 on the board, or be 3rd, 4th,5th in the Wilks table if you've had somone join and post purely to pinch top spot.
Agree with everything you posted Benny. I was actually thinking of G_Dawg when I wrote that, and his entry hasn't been removed.

Oh, could have sworn they were or at least going to be!

Total Posts: 2
Posts Per Day: 0.01
Last Post: *** OcUK Powerlifting Totals *** 19th Jul 2010 12:48

I have no objections should FF wish to remove them. Everybody moves up a place and some of our newbies get a chance of being nearer to the top. Haven't got a problem with people that did contribute to the forums somewhat before a period of inactivity such as chong warrior, UE to name a few. 2 posts 7/8 months ago for top spot on a fairly 'tight' subforum of OCUK takes the biscuit a bit.
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Oh, could have sworn they were or at least going to be!

I have no objections should FF wish to remove them. Everybody moves up a place and some of our newbies get a chance of being nearer to the top. Haven't got a problem with people that did contribute to the forums somewhat before a period of inactivity such as chong warrior, UE to name a few. 2 posts 7/8 months ago for top spot on a fairly 'tight' subforum of OCUK takes the biscuit a bit.

G_dawg posted as I suggested he should, he has upped his lifts recently too

Dead - 245
Squat - 250
Bench still the same
BW 118.5KG

I have just walked over and suggested he posts more on this site! (We work in same place....)

But i do agree that maybe after say 6week of no activity maybe removed?
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