*** OcUK Powerlifting Totals ***

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I've avoided squats for a long time due to injuries that's why it's low. I have various back issues which prevent me from going mad on the squats.

I've been hovering around 130kg on the bench press for a while, and managed 140kg for 3 reps last night, but that was after 120kg for 8 reps.

Don't. In my opnion ofc.

I thought this, because obviously I want my core to be stronger, but I'd feel safer going heavy?
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LiE, it's a complicated issue. In a way I think Benny is both right and wrong (imo :) ). Firstly, it is hugely important that your core gets stronger as you continue to lift. However, there is no reason that this can't happen when using a belt sensibly. I've been using a belt properly for about a year and my core is still often the last thing to fail. The key is to not use it all the time. But interestingly I believe that using a belt has helped me to learn how to use my core properly.

edit: but it also depends on how you train. I'd only really say a belt was worth it if you train at high % of your 1rm.

Freefaller, thanks! We all appreciate your efforts.
I thought this, because obviously I want my core to be stronger, but I'd feel safer going heavy?

Personally I'd just recommend doing some core specific compound (contradictory in itself!)

Planks (weighted)
Leg Raises
Front Squat
Zercher Squat
Jack Knifes

It will all help to improve your core strength and also help to improve the other secondary muscles. Grip for hanging leg raises, quads & glutes (and traps in somecases) get hit differently with squat variations. SLDL hamstrings & back will also benefit etc etc.
Edited the OP.

Welcome Nightmare and LiE and icecold to the top 20 club :cool:

Updated wilks spreadsheet too.

Anyone with less than 250 posts will need to post vids. I have got rid of anyone not active in the last 6 months too.
I'm slipping, need to 1RM again.

Too busy focusing on other exercises at the moment though. Namely one arm DB C&P :mad:
Edited the OP.

Welcome Nightmare and LiE and icecold to the top 20 club :cool:

Updated wilks spreadsheet too.

Anyone with less than 250 posts will need to post vids. I have got rid of anyone not active in the last 6 months too.

Ah thanks!

I remember when I was in the top 10 for a brief while before loads of people came here :D

OH YEAH! Before I forget I've got a 200kg deadlift now.

I posted that in the Gym rats thread some time back, forgot to put it here aswell. :)
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Could you update my dead lift when you get time Freefaller.

Only up 5kg to 205kg un-equipped, but improvement none the less.

Also guys that have entered their push press weights. What weight can you just standing press with no leg drive?
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Sorry Tank - missed it! What was it?

Freefaller add me to the "Results for push press competition" if you want to. I've managed 138 kilos before with the most terrible form imaginable. I was attempting a standing military press and I ended up throwing the bar up rather than pressing it if that makes any sense. My days of doing that again are long gone!
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