*** OcUK Powerlifting Totals ***

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Tell me about it! When I've done heavy deads (particularly 1RMs) after a break I get insaaane DOMS 2 days later, so you might have that to look forward to tomorrow. :p

Squat numbers are looking good, were you moving a similar amount of weight before the break? Pretty sure 140 for 2 or 3 reps is about my max, though I did 150 for 1 a couple of days ago which was a nice surprise.
Tell me about it! When I've done heavy deads (particularly 1RMs) after a break I get insaaane DOMS 2 days later, so you might have that to look forward to tomorrow. :p

Squat numbers are looking good, were you moving a similar amount of weight before the break? Pretty sure 140 for 2 or 3 reps is about my max, though I did 150 for 1 a couple of days ago which was a nice surprise.

I did stronglifts for a bit last year, about 3-4 month pretty consistently, started with 40kg squats to get technique down and worked up gradually.

Before christmas I was up to 120 x 5 x 5 or so. Then lost a lot of it by febuary.

So started back on 80kg few weeks back and and stepped up from there. I think 140-150 will be my current 1rm to be honest. 140 yesterday was the first time Ive ever tried 140. Nearly killed me on the second rep.

Deadlifts took a major hit really. The weights I shifted this week on them were all quite a struggle. Veins popping out my head on most of the heavier ones. and grip strength has lost a hell of a lot.
Freefaller can you update me please. Just started doing some strength work again and getting an idea of where i'm at.

Squat - 170kg
Dead lift - 215kg
body weight - 90kg

Both without any equipment :) Going to try again in a month, think I have a little more in me on both lifts. Bench press is probably still around the same mark as before.
No, not quite to parallel, but for some reason my shorts make it look worse than it is. It looks deeper if you view it in a bigger window. I'm glad someone mentioned it because the standard should be strict. :)

But I honestly wouldn't submit the lift if I didn't think I could bury it to comp standard. Video of that will follow in a month or so provided I don't break in the mean time and that I can make weight :eek::o:(
I guess Ill add my current highest lifts.

Ive not tried my true 1RM but ill aim for them next week

Squat - 140kg
Deadlift - 150kg
Bench - 80kg

Hedge -------- 80 / 140 / 150 -------- [87kg] ---- 370kg
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Gonna bring this up again because it got ignored or missed. Some peoples bw in wilks does not match the table.

JackCarver 92 / 98
FF 99 / 98
BennyC 88 / 78
Paz 91 / 81.9

Not all big differences but if you're going to do it...
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