OCUK's business model of late, deals, Gibbo's general transparency, advice and continuous activeness of the forums, real time updates on stock coming in, products coming to market, Gibbo getting stuck in and deviating from his job title to help forum members on orders, the reviews, getting 8 pack onboard and his help on the forums, product reviews, free overclocking advice and help, the fact we have the forums in the first place and they are properly maintained, all the support we can want and need at a simple click or phonecall, technical knowledge of products from all staff members, reviews on products which are very very good, well where does the list even end. OCUK truly truly are the UK's number 1.
Providing OCUK dont get complacent at the top, which they are showing no signs of doing, i cannot see how anybody could shop anywhere else. There is literally a face to every name with ocuk staff on these forums, they all want to help you out, where else do you get that, and responses to messages so quickly? Staff members even respond out of their paid office hours. Truly superb. And no i dont work for ocuk lol i am just so impressed with them, their service and this latest effort.
Dont flame me but ive noticed a lot of these new ideas since the business changed hands. Customer focus, deals, flexibility, harnessing new ideas and saying what the hell lets give it a try with the customer in mind, and of course pricing, all seem much much better tbh. Before that it felt a little bit stale for a couple years imo