OcUK Rolling Road Day 12 @ PowerStation (Tewksbury) - July 23rd 2011

17 Dec 2009
This client has spent £25,000 on this install. One installer is off sick and the other has left and leaves only me. The guy is the type to refund the lot if it isn't done that day. So either a £25k refund and me losing out on a substantial bonus or I go watch some cars.

Oooo, which hifi shop do you work for and do you get a discount?
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
You make it sound like you work for Harper, Jones and Smyth Solicitors when you call them clients, its Geeksquad, they are customers :p
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
A customer buys something. A client is someone you provide a service to.

But he's bought £25k worth of stuff and is getting an install - therefore a customer? It's not as if your install fees are £25k :p

Although anally retentive debate is anally retentive, just tend to find people use client to make stuff sound cooler :p
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
If the client refunds then yes.

How do you loose the bonus as from what your saying are they not one of your colleagues customers and your having to fill in for someone else who is now off?

I ask how can they be off and how come your the fall guy, just sounds to me like someone is taking advantage of you. How about the guy who was supposed to do the install actually does it and how does it effect your bonus when it was one of your colleagues who should have been doing such install?
26 Apr 2003
West Midlands
[TW]Fox;19605708 said:
But he's bought £25k worth of stuff and is getting an install - therefore a customer? It's not as if your install fees are £25k :p

Although anally retentive debate is anally retentive, just tend to find people use client to make stuff sound cooler :p

The install fee was £5000 ;) one of us was supposed to meet with the guy on saturday to discuss how the install was going to go. Then it was going to take around 4 weeks to complete.
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2 Jun 2003
In the top 1%
How do you loose the bonus as from what your saying are they not one of your colleagues customers and your having to fill in for someone else who is now off?

I ask how can they be off and how come your the fall guy, just sounds to me like someone is taking advantage of you. How about the guy who was supposed to do the install actually does it and how does it effect your bonus when it was one of your colleagues who should have been doing such install?


Also, who the hell works for an employer so dastardly that if your colleagues leave you in the **** they threaten you with your bonus?

Sounds like the guy that left was onto something ;)
18 Feb 2003
Brighton/West Wicklow
I don't see what the big deal is to be honest.

I like a lot of the people at the meets a lot, but lets face it - we see each other infrequently and its not like any of you are going to be best man at my wedding (although Will Gill and FF can fight it out as my Maid of Honour).

If work needed me then I'd probably pull out as well - in fact - I might even be on call and have a laptop with me. Due dilligence and career progression is going to weigh higher than meeting up with guys from the webz that i'll see a few times every year anyhow - some of us won't get our future handed to us on a plate. Let's face it - it's my job that allows me to have an Evo.

It seems that some people weigh everything on these meets. Even the amount of stick people get when they can't justify the outlay to travel halfway across the country.

And whats with giving him stick for his employer? Reeks of snobbery to me.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
And whats with giving him stick for his employer? Reeks of snobbery to me.

I think you've missed that particular point quite comprehensively :p

No snobbery from me, heck I worked for 8 years for a popular high street retailer. But I didn't call the people I sold stuff to 'clients' or have them dock my pay for not giving up my free time when a colleague was ill :p

It all just seemed a bit odd really, its not about whether he attends or not, heck I think I'm 50/50 at bothering at the moment.
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17 Dec 2009
While I find the whole idea of £25k install done by geeksquad hilarious if not eye opening (legit did not know they did that level of work at £5k a pop), its kind of retarded to not be able to see the position Princey is in and the obvious decision that is to not attend but help work out.



2 Jun 2003
In the top 1%
I personally only mentioned his employer as more of a question about the wording of his post - certainly not having a pop! These days having a job anywhere is something to cling to, you're not exactly in much of a position to be choosy sometimes.

I'm self employed so to some extent I get to pick and choose with this sort of thing but at the same time I work to live not live to work and that is reflected by my attitude towards my free time. At the end of the day, we all need our jobs but we also need to have some social time and have at least some sense that any plans made we can stick to without our employers dumping on us at the last minute.

If it was super super hyper critical then of course, but in this instance it looks like Princey is being taken advantage of at the expense of his hobby - a bit crappy, no?

Minor edit:

I think I was the first voice in the thread voicing my opinion that you shouldn't ever stretch financially to attend a meet, so I guess your post wasn't aimed at me :D
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3 Aug 2003
If anyone has Scubascorpion on MSN could you advise him I have sent an email to his trust email and his hotmail account about next week please.
Sorry, I forgot about that trust mail.
I don't have MSN or a hotmail account any more.
More hassle than it's worth.

Anyway, why the need for trust email about gearbox types, it's something you could have asked in the thread and have had about twenty replies in ten seconds. :p
25 Feb 2004
Sorry, I forgot about that trust mail.
I don't have MSN or a hotmail account any more.
More hassle than it's worth.

Anyway, why the need for trust email about gearbox types, it's something you could have asked in the thread and have had about twenty replies in ten seconds. :p

Yes but I would like it from the horses mouth not from 1 million ill informed RR thinktheyknowitalls. :D

After all that what was the answer?
3 Aug 2003
Lolol, you have a good point there. :D
An answer would have helped, wouldn't it. :o
If by triptronic you mean it is a normal automatic with a torque converter then yes it will not be as accurate as could be due to the losses within the converter the dyno cannot account for. There are functions on the dyno which I never use that somehow calculates these losses. If you want to be the guinea pig (as long as it isn't turbo charged) I'm quite happy to have a play about with it. :D
I can quote you words from the manual on the subject later if you like (still in bed at the moment).
Either way, it'll be no more or less accurate than any other automatic that uses the same design.

If it's an auto that has electronic clutch plates doing all the work, I can run it as a manual car and you can ignore all the above. :)
25 Feb 2004
Lolol, you have a good point there. :D
An answer would have helped, wouldn't it. :o
If by triptronic you mean it is a normal automatic with a torque converter then yes it will not be as accurate as could be due to the losses within the converter the dyno cannot account for. There are functions on the dyno which I never use that somehow calculates these losses. If you want to be the guinea pig (as long as it isn't turbo charged) I'm quite happy to have a play about with it. :D
I can quote you words from the manual on the subject later if you like (still in bed at the moment).
Either way, it'll be no more or less accurate than any other automatic that uses the same design.

If it's an auto that has electronic clutch plates doing all the work, I can run it as a manual car and you can ignore all the above. :)

Yes it would be a torque converter, it isn't turbo'ed would there be any risk to the gearbox with these functions? Or would it be the same risk as running a normal manual?
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