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OcUK RX7900 series review thread

RDNA 2 lacklustre RT, maybe planned obsolescence too?

But no-one cares about RT!
- And even if you do, and you're stuck with the old 3080FE for example, you may as well switch RT off going forward anyway...


Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night :cry:

Imagine paying £1+k to achieve similar RT performance for what 3080+ owners have had for past 2 years and we got ours for £650 :eek: :cry: Could be worse though, could have paid all that extra money for a 3090 to benefit from all that extra vram in witcher next gen:


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  • Haha
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Sadly I dont think I will be participating either. Same level of RT and around 25% raster is not something worth considering at this moment in time.


Well said for once ;)

Wow where were you when this was the topic? @Purgatory will be pleased though.

Truth hurts indeed eh @LtMatt :cry:

He was too busy forming his master plan to make sure I would not be stuck on 10GB like Nexus by selling me his 3080 Ti for £575 :D

Also for what it's worth, the 970 ended up being a stellar gpu and people loved it despite the 3.5gb + 512mb fiasco as it was very well priced for the performance it offered.

Just like the 3080 was the best card of last gen. Pricing matters. Had Nvidia or AMD priced these cards $300-400 less they would be selling like hot cakes and everyone would be singing their praises.
Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night :cry:

Imagine paying £1+k to achieve similar RT performance for what 3080+ owners have had for past 2 years and we got ours for £650 :eek: :cry: Could be worse though, could have paid all that extra money for a 3090 to benefit from all that extra vram in witcher next gen:


so what you are saying is RT just isnt worth it yet if you need to pay 1.5K for 4K/60 with dlss.
Part of me thinks Amd just overpriced these cards just under Nvidia because they have less supply to offer, they know its a better deal than Nvidia for those who don't care about ray tracing aswel.

Shame that they have power consumption and drivers issue with performance... neither the 7900xtx or the 4080 are good value... if only Amd had a lot more stock and priced it better. I can't see why anyone is a fan of Nvidia for this price gauging though, they made bank under covidiiot/bitcoin retardation years.
Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night :cry:

Imagine paying £1+k to achieve similar RT performance for what 3080+ owners have had for past 2 years and we got ours for £650 :eek: :cry: Could be worse though, could have paid all that extra money for a 3090 to benefit from all that extra vram in witcher next gen:


I think (or at least I hope) most people who bought the 6000 series GPUs and for those that buy the new 7000 GPUs realise you don't get an AMD card for RT. If RT is something you use, you go Nvidia. I don't think we need to keep banging the RT drum against those who want or have an AMD card. However if someone has bought an AMD card expecting RT to work... hmm! Although what I will say is, I do wonder what percentage of people game at 4k vs 2k (1440p)? Would I be right in assuming most play at 1440p? And if so, then in reality RT on the 7000 series may be a genuine possibility? What does the FPS look like then? (given it is equivalent to a 3090Ti. I think that is what the reviews have concluded). I think you even mentioned it earlier, the generational RT gains from AMD is good. But yeah, I still don't see the point of RT personally. Sorry. lol. I think I have maybes 3 games that use it. Control, CP2077 and The Ascent. :)
Am i the only one impressed with AMD's performance uplift in RT going from 6000-7000 Series, i mean, i for one didn't expect it to ever compete H2H with Nvidia this gen, but the gap is closing..
I can't imagine they'll be neck and neck for the next generation either but, competition is good, we need it, i see no need for the dick measuring chaps.
None of us are having Christmas cards or a sitting down to a Turkey dinner with neither Lisa or Jensen...
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Am i the only one impressed with AMD's performance uplift in RT going from 6000-7000 Series, i mean, i for one didn't expect it to ever compete H2H with Nvidia the gen, but the gap is closing..
I can't imagine they'll be neck and neck for the next generation either but, competition is good, we need it, i see no need to for the dick measuring chaps.
None of us are having Christmas cards or a sitting down to a Turkey dinner with either Lisa or Jensen...
2nd gen Vs 2nd gen, from that perspective it’s pretty close.
I think (or at least I hope) most people who bought the 6000 series GPUs and for those that buy the new 7000 GPUs realise you don't get an AMD card for RT. If RT is something you use, you go Nvidia. I don't think we need to keep banging the RT drum against those who want or have an AMD card. However if someone has bought an AMD card expecting RT to work... hmm! Although what I will say is, I do wonder what percentage of people game at 4k vs 2k (1440p)? Would I be right in assuming most play at 1440p? And if so, then in reality RT on the 7000 series may be a genuine possibility? What does the FPS look like then? (given it is equivalent to a 3090Ti. I think that is what the reviews have concluded). I think you even mentioned it earlier, the generational RT gains from AMD is good. But yeah, I still don't see the point of RT personally. Sorry. lol. I think I have maybes 3 games that use it. Control, CP2077 and The Ascent. :)

I think 1440p is quite a bit more popular than 4k still atm but 4k is gaining traction quickly. But yeah I have always said that since the start, rdna 3 is very good for those who want to use RT now and I suspect there is still a good 5-10% amd will be able to gain with better drivers over the next few months.

PS. the ascent looks glorious with RT :)

Am i the only one impressed with AMD's performance uplift in RT going from 6000-7000 Series, i mean, i for one didn't expect it to ever compete H2H with Nvidia the gen, but the gap is closing..
I can't imagine they'll be neck and neck for the next generation either but, competition is good, we need it, i see no need to for the dick measuring chaps.
None of us are having Christmas cards or a sitting down to a Turkey dinner with either Lisa or Jensen...

Yup the RT uplift is more impressive for me than raster uplift, I don't think anyone expected ada levels but according to the oracle, MLID, we had strong hints, they would be far better in RT i.e. beating ampere comfortably but surprise surprise, as per 99% of his other claims, it turned out to be BS :cry:
I think 1440p is quite a bit more popular than 4k still atm but 4k is gaining traction quickly. But yeah I have always said that since the start, rdna 3 is very good for those who want to use RT now and I suspect there is still a good 5-10% amd will be able to gain with better drivers over the next few months.

PS. the ascent looks glorious with RT :)

Yup the RT uplift is more impressive for me than raster uplift, I don't think anyone expected ada levels but according to the oracle, MLID, we had strong hints, they would be far better in RT i.e. beating ampere comfortably but surprise surprise, as per 99% of his other claims, it turned out to be BS :cry:

Agreed, the Raster performance increase could have been better imho, i'd have liked to have seen a bigger gap between the XT and the XTX, but i'm happy with the performance increases in RT, does open the door to actually being able to turn it on now in games like CP2077 etc, i did try the Witcher 3 update, tbh i just turned everything to max (1440p) and performance was ...shocking to say the least, so uninstalled it :P
While they were caught red-handed (aha, aha) and should be admonished as such, their get out clause is the "up to".

Yup and all the dodgy antics of FSR being thrown in the mix and not clarifying which preset of FSR they were referring to :D Speaking of which, the "up to" reminds me of people giving nvidia/Jenson **** for the ampere/3080 claims of "2x times faster" but then look at the graph and again, oh, there's those key words of "up to" as well :D



Agreed, the Raster performance increase could have been better imho, i'd have liked to have seen a bigger gap between the XT and the XTX, but i'm happy with the performance increases in RT, does open the door to actually being able to turn it on now in games like CP2077 etc, i did try the Witcher 3 update, tbh i just turned everything to max (1440p) and performance was ...shocking to say the least, so uninstalled it :p

Yeah they essentially did what nvidia did with the 4080 12 and 16gb model i.e. move the tiers up on and price the lower tier one higher/close to the upper model so people stump up the extra to get the much better gpu. AMD should either "unlaunch" the xt model or give it a price drop of £150.
It's a tough choice this gen and a similar situation to the last. Assuming prices fall in line for AIB 7900 XTX and 4080 models, does one prefer more VRAM and better raster performance, or faster RT and slightly better upscaling (things like NVENC encoder and higher efficiency wouldn't influence my decision, though I know they matter to some)?

AMD's RT is at the point of being good enough for current games at my res (1440p) with FSR2, whereas NVIDIA with DLSS would be smooth sailing.

At the moment prices are just a little too high for me justify either as the raster uplift from the 6800 XT isn't quite big enough when everything I'm playing runs comfortably enough, and in some newer titles the additional RT performance isn't enough to make the games playable (Darktide for example, although to me I find the difference hard to spot so wouldn't use it anyway). I'll be seeing what the new year brings, but I do have the itch and a decent bonus inbound in January so that could change (I pray I'm not so weak as to end up with a 4090 in my sig!).
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