You set your BCLK to 1002 and that gives you round numbers (well nearly)
My GD65 only lets me increase in intervals though, I can have either BCLK=1000 or BCLK=1007, nothing in between.
Anyway, my golden chip seems to have struck again at 5.1GHz.
VCore in BIOS: 1.375
VCore in CPU-Z 1.56.2: 1.392
I'm not gonna lie though, I had a bit of an adventure getting there!
Took me ages to get it stable enough to get a screen shot and when I did there was no hanging around. I didn't want to go over 1.4V in CPU-Z and was originally trying to get the bench at 1.370V in BIOS, in the end I had to concede to myself and raise VCore to 1.375.
So once I had it stable enough I attempted some screen shots followed by a rapid restart.
First attempt (I imagine I'd have got some stick trying to rely on this one! What an error.):
Second go (Really wasn't happy with this SuperPi result, god knows what happened!):
Third time lucky:
Is there any chance of showing what processor people are using in the list on the front page?
Just realised I'm the 2nd highest 2500k, really want to try beat Adyx now but daren't put that much voltage through it!