OCUK Sandy Bridge, SB-E and Ivy Bridge 5GHZ Club

Try your Vcore at 1.45 for 5.1gig, i had to go to 1.55 for 5.3 BUT that is pushing it !!!!!!!!

Your Superpi score is very high also, i had 7.420 at 5.1 gig & 7.160 at 5.3 gig & 8.0 at 4.7 gig.
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oh my god, a pedant!

Will go for 5.1 if you need it :P

:D I think you have to be if the thread is 5GHz Club. I mean you are close true but no cigar mate. 5GHz or no badge sad to say. :):)

Seriously now - if you are running other applications in the back ground, like a virus scan or your OS is doing a hard drive index then your time will be way out like it is. Your ram timings are not going to make any clearly noticeable difference at all. The reason for that is because of the size of the internal cache of the CPU. Super Pi is now almost completely run within the on-board Cache. You only need 8mb to run Super Pi. So I would say some other back ground service was running.

Welcome to the club.
Any idea what that might be? I am a newcomer to all this, so would appreciate any advice.

I have taken the clock speed up to 5GHz, but not at a day to day voltage. Also, the RAM timings are a nanosecond out. Is this enough to explain the discrepancy?

If not, I would love to know where I'm going wrong!

Just noticed your bus speed is 99.8, have you got it set on auto ?, if so set it manually to 100 in the bios & mayby it will stay at that giving you 5.0 gig.
Speed spectrum is the setting that should correct the slight underclocking Ferax. Disable it, should be in the BIOS.
Anyone know if there is a bios mod or the best bios for overclocking the p67a-ud7. B3, i know i should be happy with 5.4ghz, i just want that little bit more:D. Current bios i am trying is F4.
blck is 1004 any higher and wont boot, for 5415mhz i have to use 1.6v sometimes i get away with 1.595. ive been using the ET6 to up the blck, loadline option i have on level 10. i can run PI @ these settings but cannot get a drop more ,tried 55x with 1.64v would even boot to bios just kept getting 4E code.
sorry multi is 54x
Your CPU is maxed I am sorry to say.

If you have access to some real cold you might get an extra 100MHz or one full BCKL extra @ -80'c

For stable 5.7 + GHz you need at least 1.635 and LLC 6.

I get no vDroop issues with LLC6 by the way at all.
Thanks 1 Day.

Try F3H1 it is a older beta bios but you can squeeze a little extra out of it - plus it gives good 1:8 strap ram action with Hypers.

What you will need to do is drop your multi down to say 52X and then up your BCLK using ET6. Things get a little squirrelly at the upper limits so make sure you have saved a profile onto a USB stick or your hard drive, not just in CMOS. :D Once you have booted into OS once you can normally boot into that setting when ever you want again. You should set a PB with this BIOS.
Try F3H1 it is a older beta bios but you can squeeze a little extra out of it - plus it gives good 1:8 strap ram action with Hypers.

What you will need to do is drop your multi down to say 52X and then up your BCLK using ET6. Things get a little squirrelly at the upper limits so make sure you have saved a profile onto a USB stick or your hard drive, not just in CMOS. :D Once you have booted into OS once you can normally boot into that setting when ever you want again. You should set a PB with this BIOS.

thank you will try this and report back;)
Time to up the ante here.

Gigabyte Z68X-UD7-B3
Itel 2600K @ 5747 MHz
Corsair GT 2194 MHz 7-7-7-22
Temp -51'C


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