**** OcUK Secret Santa 2014 - Signup & Discussion Thread ****


Someone's been leading my SS right up the Garden path with a load of secret questions and it's not even their SS.

Even told them a present had been sent PMSL..

Unless of course something has gone awry in the Matrix and my SS has got two Santas. :D

This is probably my parcel.
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One package that I was expecting arrived today and one 18" long cardboard tube also arrived. Too light to be anything NSFW unless there has been an advancement in 'light weight members' :eek::p:D
Yup..was my SS.

Very nicely wrapped by the rainforest types. Shame the packing slip has the 'real' name of who sent it......plus what it is. Still, better than I dis as mine was just dispatched.....bad bad me

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