*** Oculus Quest 2 Owners Thread ***

Has anyones home menu changed with v28?
I used to get down the left side home, media, explore, friends
This left hand panel is now missing and I've just got the main large feed panel
Was this part of the update, did they remove the left side?
I can't get Skyrim VR to work with Airlink for some reason.

Quality wise, as always the image seems a little soft -

The unmodded version launched from SteamVR home is working fine.
I've had a play with airlink and VD beta today and for anything where draw distance is a factor using a cable with bitrate at 500 in the Oculus debug tool looks much better.
Sounds like he was a real expert on the subject, out standing in his field...

:) So we don't get shouted at, here's a potentially useful post.
If you run disk management while the quest is plugged in via usb it shows as a strangely named entry on the drive list.
Took me a while to work out what it was. Probably best not to format it or anything similar.
Has anyone had any issues with the right trigger sometimes not responding when you pull it? I don't know if its latency or if somethings up, its more noticeable in FPS shooters when i try to spam the trigger button for fast single shots and sometimes it will react quickly and sometimes not at all...
So I have a pretty crappy bog standard Plusnet router downstairs and my pc upstairs. If I was wanting to take advantage of airlink could I just get a standalone router to put in the same room as my PC or would it have to be wired up to my Plusnet router?
Right just realised the trigger response issue is with steamvr and not oculus. Is there any way to run steam games without steamvr? Using the native oculus SDK instead as that eliminates the problem.
Right just realised the trigger response issue is with steamvr and not oculus. Is there any way to run steam games without steamvr? Using the native oculus SDK instead as that eliminates the problem.

Some SteamVR games can actually use the Oculus runtime, either via a launch menu option, or via a command line argument.
Some SteamVR games can actually use the Oculus runtime, either via a launch menu option, or via a command line argument.
Hmmm gonna try it tonight, i found the command line for Pavlov so will try it. Glad its not my trigger thats broken!

If worse comes to worse i will remap the trigger button as described on reddit and see if that helps. Such a weird bug and from what i can tell its been going on for over a year with steamvr.
Hmmm gonna try it tonight, i found the command line for Pavlov so will try it. Glad its not my trigger thats broken!

If worse comes to worse i will remap the trigger button as described on reddit and see if that helps. Such a weird bug and from what i can tell its been going on for over a year with steamvr.

Oh, and for games that don't support Oculus runtimes, there's OpenComposite which is a lightweight Oculus wrapper for SteamVR which can offer better performance than native SteamVR. Not all games work though.
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