I've just picked this up with the free credit they were giving out, whilst I'm not very good at it yet I'm really enjoying it. Simple but very effective.Can I suggest Eleven Table tennis?
Looking to stream Alyx wirelessly, I understand you need virtual desktop to do so?
Is there anyway to get this for free? I note that it seems to be £15 on the Quest directly, but £10.49 through the Oculus application? Why is this / is there a difference?
Look into ALVR
OK thanks, that's working but seems a little sluggish (i.e. the controllers seems a little laggy in following my hands)
My PC is connected to Wi-Fi at about 500mbps (and i'd assume the quest is similar).
ALVR seems to be reporting a 30.0 Mbps SentRate and a TotalLatency of 79.0 ms (which seems high?).
Looking to stream Alyx wirelessly, I understand you need virtual desktop to do so?
Is there anyway to get this for free? I note that it seems to be £15 on the Quest directly, but £10.49 through the Oculus application? Why is this / is there a difference?
Virtual Desktop for the price is worth the money. It opens up all the Steam, Oculus and independent games(eg Project Stardust) plus all the Sidequest Apps and Games. Increases the playability on the Quest tenfold, like Oculus Link, but wireless.
Need PC connecting to router via network cable.
A decent WIFI
Buy VD from Quest Store - DO NOT INSTALL
Put Quest in Dev mode
Install Sidequest
Get Virtual Desktop from Sidequest store. (This version will be latest release and allows game streaming)
Install Windows Virtual Desktop client and run.
Run Virtual Desktop on Quest.
someone else posted on another forum:
Thanks to some games being “cross buy” you can purchase the Rift version and get the Quest version free.
It might also be worth noting that another highly anticipated first person shooter that is on its way to the Quest is also on sale in the Rift store. “Onward” has been confirmed by its developer that the Quest version will be cross buy with it’s Rift version. Currently on sale for £9.55, a saving of 49% on its regular price in the Rift store.