Mine arrived today! 
Demoed it to a couple of folk in the office and you get some pretty intense reactions from a lot of people that don't know what to expect.
My office is full of 40 to 60 year olds and every one of them was completely blown away with the rollercoaster demo.
In my eyes it's nothing more or less than I expected. I know what its limitations are (screen door, motion blur etc) but you really do notice them less as you let yourself go.
Looking forward to playing with it more this evening.

Demoed it to a couple of folk in the office and you get some pretty intense reactions from a lot of people that don't know what to expect.
My office is full of 40 to 60 year olds and every one of them was completely blown away with the rollercoaster demo.
In my eyes it's nothing more or less than I expected. I know what its limitations are (screen door, motion blur etc) but you really do notice them less as you let yourself go.
Looking forward to playing with it more this evening.