Is there a consensus on how VR games will be controlled by the user?
Depends hugely on the type of game. HTC and Oculus have their hand-wavey controllers (although only HTC bundle them with the headset as standard, and the Oculus one is delayed).
They work well but I don't see myself playing standing up wavey-arm games much. It's ok sweating when you've just got a wii-mote but sweating into a VR headset ain't nice, feel sorry for the guy next in line when I tried the Vive!
Oculus are also using an Xbox controller as a standard input device...which makes sense, they're cheap and easy to use without being able to see them. Mouse and keyboard is a bit of a nightmare.
Specialist controllers like a HOTAS work well if you get the positioning right, ED is pretty special on VR+HOTAS.