Mine arrived just after 1pm and I did an unboxing vid (probably going to come out poor though) and have set it up and had a bit of a play.
Set-up was very easy and it just worked with no issues at all, so far I am impressed with the screen door effect, especially as it isn't that much of a higher res over the DK2 and I found the DK2 to really stand out, so a good plus for that. Light gets in a fair chunk but I can sort that easy enough, sound is surprisingly good and far better than I was expecting. Nice bass and nice highs, so a comfortable mix. Not as good as my Techica cans but hey, I wasn't expecting the sound to be this good, so another plus there. It is lighter than the DK2 and easier to fit and moving the lenses is much easier as well.
First early impressions is very very good and better than I was expecting