My congratulations to Codemasters. Dirt Rally is beautiful in the rift. Probably the best presented image I've seen among all the driving sims, its just so clean and free of any distracting artifacts.
As I'm still waiting for my new GPU to arrive and having to drop down to a single 780 for VR I set the medium preset with 4xMSAA and jumped straight into the Impreza on one of the finish stages, wanted to test out some jumps. Didn't have any FPS meter up but for 99% of the time was very smooth. Wasn't bothered by locking the camera to the car or horizon but have it locked to car for now as it seems to make a little more sense given you should be tightly strapped in. Crashed a few times and then switched to the Fiesta in Greece, again very smooth. Replays would be so cool if only they had full TV or spectator cams you could watch from, unfortunately most of the trackside TV cams which are great for spectating from are too short lived.
That was all I had time for but will definitely be playing a lot more. The other thing I noticed, or should that be didn't, was the tunnel vision effect didn't both me. The loss of peripheral vision can be very noticeable when circuit racing but with rally stages not a problem.