The little robot (Oculus First Contact) tutorial made you queasy? Hmm, okay ... . Google Earth and Alien Isolation, sure: these are much more likely to cause any nausea.
Try some easy experiences. Two obvious ones are Oculus Dreamdeck and Dear Angelica. These contain no locomotion of any kind other than your own headtracking and should all be safe.
Once you're okay with these, take it a small step up. You could try Miyubi (static 360 video except for a few scenes where you're slowly moving; the total is 45 minutes) and The People's House, a documentary about Obama's white house which has a couple of scenes with some extremely slow camera slides - not sure of the runtime, 20-30 minutes maybe (both these are from the same makers, Felix and Paul Studios). Both are free, of quality as good as you're going to get in 360 video with current hardware, and neither of these should cause you comfort issues.
All those mentioned so far are free btw, and all passive experiences.
Next step up I guess would be more active games and standing/moving experiences where you are responsible for any movement that's made. Some suggestions would be Oculus Quill (free), Oculus Medium (free), Eleven: Table Tennis VR, SportsBar VR, Racket: Nx, Valve's The Lab (free), Chroma Lab, Qui'vr, Superhot VR, Fantastic Contraption, Robo Recall (free). As long as your framerate is solid (90 fps ideally) and the headset is adjusted correctly (right diopter adjustment, and max sharpness with as little distortion as possible) none of these should cause you issues as any movement is all yours as it's being tracked.
For now, absolutely stay away from games and experiences where you're using thumbsticks to move yourself around, or you get moved around. That includes Google Earth, Alien Isolation, Minecraft, Lone Echo and Echo Arena, and many others.
Hope this helps!