Oculus Rift

Discovered Robo Recall completely by accident!

Got my rift yesterday. And I think it came included in the bundle as I haven't paid extra for it..... It is by far the most enjoyable FPS game I've played in years.... Perhaps even ever. And thats saying a lot because I usually hate FPS games.
You get 6 games free with it, Robo Recall is definitely a show piece of VR
Discovered Robo Recall completely by accident!

Got my rift yesterday. And I think it came included in the bundle as I haven't paid extra for it..... It is by far the most enjoyable FPS game I've played in years.... Perhaps even ever. And thats saying a lot because I usually hate FPS games.

Always the first game I put people in when they try out my headset. Once you upgrade the guns it gets even better.
I think the biggest thing for me has been the ability to target and shoot left and right handed weapons independently of each other...I'm pretty sure you can't do that playing fps games with a mouse on a monitor...

Not being up on console tech, is that something that you could do on ps or xb games before now. I know they have their own motion systems. PS has those microphone things you wave about and xb has Kinect.
Ok, so it turned up this morning.
Haven't gamed with it yet, but I've tried it on and I'm not sure if I like it that much.
It has a bigger nose gap than the original foam (which was never an issue for me), it's firmer and perhaps a little too grippy, making it harder to slide on and off your face.
The cloth cover does make it quite comfy though, so I'll probably be using that most of the time. The cloth could hug it a little better, but it's no real biggie.

I think it's one of those things that depends on the individual.
If you can stretch/justify getting one of the more expensive kits, then I'd say to go for one of them to give you more options.

Oh, and it's quite nicely packaged FWIW.

So you almost prefer the original instead?

And the suggestions of it improving FOV and God rays?
Nah, while it might put your eyes ever so slightly closer to the lenses, I don't see any big improvement in god rays or FOV. YMMV.

I've generally stuck to using it with the cloth cover. This makes it comfier and softens up the hardness of the thin PU foam, but you do have to adjust the cloth at the bottom every now and then, since it's loose there and can sometimes tickle your face/nose.
I don't really sweat in VR, but the PU foam is good for those that do, and for when you're passing the headset around with friends. It also grips your face better with or without the cover compared to the original foam.
Nah, while it might put your eyes ever so slightly closer to the lenses, I don't see any big improvement in god rays or FOV. YMMV.

I've generally stuck to using it with the cloth cover. This makes it comfier and softens up the hardness of the thin PU foam, but you do have to adjust the cloth at the bottom every now and then, since it's loose there and can sometimes tickle your face/nose.
I don't really sweat in VR, but the PU foam is good for those that do, and for when you're passing the headset around with friends. It also grips your face better with or without the cover compared to the original foam.
So can you get a direct replacement for the standard cover then?
I don't know if it's just me but the more I use my rift the more I enjoy it...it's like being a kid again, so many new wow moments. Haven't enjoyed anything this much for years...well fully clothed at least...

I really need to get my other sensor and touch controllers back in the room so I can play STBC and RoboRecall again. I've been obsessed with cockpit games lately, what a phenomenal advance in gaming tech it is for those in particular. I really need t o stop gushing about it to friends and family, they all think I'm mad. Not many gamers though, they'd all rather sit glued to the goggle box. I'm only watching F1 and some Phineas and Ferb with the kids lately, any free time I get I'm VR gaming now...the missus just seems to watch endless create and craft channel loops. She does make some cool stuff though.
Sorry, if you're happy with the standard cover, and simply want to replace it like for like...? I assume you can just order those from Oculus?
Yeah, you can buy a standard replacement directly from Oculus if needed. They did change the foam slightly though with the new bundles, so no idea if you'd end up with the original or new version.
I only really play the Rift when people are over, mainly because I have plenty of other non-VR games to play when alone (like PUBG with friends), but also there's an element of not wanting to have completed and done everything whilst I watch them play. Instead it goes round and there's as many new and wow moments for me as them.

The only game I've completed on my own is SuperHot VR, but that's partly because it's so short. I'm only 11% odd of the way through RoboRecall and having just done the bit where you control a mech I'm looking forward to seeing what else happens.
Finally got a chance to set it up and am very impressed. Managed about 10 minutes before I started sweating and feeling a bit sick. Wife tried it and loved it - played a good 20 minutes with any problems.

The lens are a bit blurry so will need to work on adjusting it properly.

Was planning on selling it if it wasn't that great but wife's already told me to keep it :)
What did you try that got you feeling a bit sick? And what alternative games/experiences do you have available so that we can perhaps make recommendations on building those "VR legs"?
has anyone had problems with firefox and the rift? Was working fine last week but when I try to run a video now the rift fades to black for a second then goes back into the home room and then firefox is unselectable
What did you try that got you feeling a bit sick? And what alternative games/experiences do you have available so that we can perhaps make recommendations on building those "VR legs"?

Don't laugh, but I barely made it on the tutorial. Wife downloaded Google earth and l was ok with that though. Had a quick go on alien isolation and that was so so. Couldn't do more than 10mins.

Not going to have a chance to have another go until Sunday, will try sort out the blurred vision.
The little robot (Oculus First Contact) tutorial made you queasy? Hmm, okay ... . Google Earth and Alien Isolation, sure: these are much more likely to cause any nausea.

Try some easy experiences. Two obvious ones are Oculus Dreamdeck and Dear Angelica. These contain no locomotion of any kind other than your own headtracking and should all be safe.

Once you're okay with these, take it a small step up. You could try Miyubi (static 360 video except for a few scenes where you're slowly moving; the total is 45 minutes) and The People's House, a documentary about Obama's white house which has a couple of scenes with some extremely slow camera slides - not sure of the runtime, 20-30 minutes maybe (both these are from the same makers, Felix and Paul Studios). Both are free, of quality as good as you're going to get in 360 video with current hardware, and neither of these should cause you comfort issues.

All those mentioned so far are free btw, and all passive experiences.

Next step up I guess would be more active games and standing/moving experiences where you are responsible for any movement that's made. Some suggestions would be Oculus Quill (free), Oculus Medium (free), Eleven: Table Tennis VR, SportsBar VR, Racket: Nx, Valve's The Lab (free), Chroma Lab, Qui'vr, Superhot VR, Fantastic Contraption, Robo Recall (free). As long as your framerate is solid (90 fps ideally) and the headset is adjusted correctly (right diopter adjustment, and max sharpness with as little distortion as possible) none of these should cause you issues as any movement is all yours as it's being tracked.

For now, absolutely stay away from games and experiences where you're using thumbsticks to move yourself around, or you get moved around. That includes Google Earth, Alien Isolation, Minecraft, Lone Echo and Echo Arena, and many others.

Hope this helps!
I've crossed a barrier!

Something has clicked, and I don't get motion sickness in driving games anymore! I was flying around Imola in PCARS in Formula A, drifting about in a classic mustang, no problems. Even crashing was fine. My missus couldn't take more than a few seconds on PCARS so it's definitely an immunity thing.

I attribute this in part to playing Onwards for an hour yesterday which has free movement.

So, to those of you that get it as bad as I did, you will get through it, and exposure through less intense games seemed to help me.
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