Oculus Rift

6 May 2009
I think you mis-read it. He means monitors are 1440p per eye and DK2 is 540 x 960 per eye

yep, i meant that.

If CV1 is 1440p then it would be 720 x 1280 per eye. A lot better than DK2 resolution but still worse than looking at a 1440p with both eyes
4 Aug 2014
I would love to try out an Oculus Rift, I have deliberately kept away from videos and news because I want to try it out myself for the first time with no idea what to expect.

Do meet ups or the like happen in London ever? I'm not sure how else I would get to try one apart from waiting for CV1 to come out and buying it!
14 May 2010
Input is another issue altogether, but hardly insurmountable. Keyboards we reckoned wont be replicated but another VR specific input device will come to the fore, voice most likely. Elite has Voiceattack as an example, you can pretty much dictate anything now with dragon etc, and input devices like haptic gloves can push or pull creativity software for presentations or design anyway you want to. Its just going to be a different way of working.

Of course, there will always be the Windows XP users, or businesses that take ages to move on. But hopefully, without some major derailer (VR makes you go blind in six months!), this is the future.

I'm struggling to see how VR can replace a display device which can be used in a communal fassion. If everyone in my office moved from monitors to headsets it would be a disaster for productivity and communication. You wouldn't be able to turn to the guy sat behind you and talk through something on the screen. I'm sure you could virtually share your headset with theirs or something - but nothing beats talking through a problem with someone face-to-face.

Can you imagine talking with someone in a bank where they have to stick on a headset to view your account details? And then ask you to also stick on a headset if they want to show it to you?

Convenience is a major driver of tech. If it doesn't make something easier or more convenient then it will struggle to become an everyday thing. That's not to say it won't, but it's not there at the moment.
15 Nov 2003
Had a wide ranging chat around this with some friends, and we pretty much came to the conclusion that monitors are dead, but only in the long run. The tech for crystal clear screen definition is already well on the way, CV1 is going to be a big leap and theyre developing 4k screens for smartphones so its only a matter of time really.

Input is another issue altogether, but hardly insurmountable. Keyboards we reckoned wont be replicated but another VR specific input device will come to the fore, voice most likely. Elite has Voiceattack as an example, you can pretty much dictate anything now with dragon etc, and input devices like haptic gloves can push or pull creativity software for presentations or design anyway you want to. Its just going to be a different way of working.

Of course, there will always be the Windows XP users, or businesses that take ages to move on. But hopefully, without some major derailer (VR makes you go blind in six months!), this is the future.

TBH, I think I'd rather have easy access to my keyboard than use OR! If we take Elite, even though I use VA, I use the keyboard a lot, even during regular flight. (& I have a throtle & joystick)
12 Jan 2004
TBH, I think I'd rather have easy access to my keyboard than use OR! If we take Elite, even though I use VA, I use the keyboard a lot, even during regular flight. (& I have a throtle & joystick)

Of course we are relatively new into it, even to the point that the Rift has not been actually released yet. I still use my kb for almost everything when not in the Rift. But if you look at innovations like the Roccat Power Grid and the like, and think that the same can be achieved in-game using a haptic glove (and way better resolution), the possibilities become endless. I dont think kb's are going anywhere for the next couple of years and certainly we wont be seeing better input systems than the kb until well after the release of CV1.
11 Sep 2009
For keyboard use how about getting a webcam and pointing it at the keyboard then overlaying a video in the VR display. Maybe have it pop up with a voice command?
25 Oct 2002
Sarf Lahndahn
The VR display is step 1 in a long line of innovations. I could quite easily see us using real-world devices that are accurately represented in VR. If you can "see" virtual representations of your fingers and your keyboard in VR, then there's no barrier to using it. All possible without any major leaps in hardware either, as always getting the standards and APIs is going to be the hard bit...
6 May 2009
I have just bought Assetto Corsa. I don't have a wheel but I'm sure a 360 pad would be OK

Will report back when ive downloaded it and tested on my DK2
15 Jan 2004
CV1 will be 1440p and supposedly 120hz (120fps+) I think I worked out that to run CV1, it would require 600fps+ @ 1080p to even match the refresh rate. (1440p@240fps) Good luck with that unless you have a super computer!

I'm confused, why would you require 600 fps to run 1080p if it's 120hz?
11 Nov 2011
Northern Ireland
Finally got DK2 working with Assetto Corsa and it was quite an experience. Being able to look all around you is quite a bazarre feeling.i expect the experience would be improved with a racing wheel instead of the pad I was using as your hand movements would mirror the in game hand movements.

I then tried UE4 Rollercoaster. I spent the remainder of the afternoon in bed. That one made me feel nauseous.

Still to try Alien Isolation which I expect will be good. Less likely to make me ill anyway!
6 May 2009
I'm confused, why would you require 600 fps to run 1080p if it's 120hz?

No, I meant 600fps at 1080p would be the equivalent requirement for running 1440p at 120hz. 240fps would be needed to run 1440p (2x120hz)

Going from 1080p to 1440p is a big performance hit in itself. Add on the fact you are going to have to hold 240fps will be crippling (in new title games anyway)
11 Nov 2011
Northern Ireland
They still have work to do to make it easy enough for the average joe to use. Took a good few hours last night to get anything showing on screen, and longer again to get it rotated the right way. Worth it though.
6 May 2009
They still have work to do to make it easy enough for the average joe to use. Took a good few hours last night to get anything showing on screen, and longer again to get it rotated the right way. Worth it though.

When you know what you are doing it can take 5 minutes.

Install the runtime, plug it all in then set extended mode to 1080p and portrait mode with rift on the right (display 2)

Granted the latter took me some time figuring out but its that simple. Also use OculusServiceManager to disable Aero, stop/start the service quickly and use the content adapter so you can right click an exe and 'Open on Oculus Rift'
15 Aug 2011
When you know what you are doing it can take 5 minutes.

Install the runtime, plug it all in then set extended mode to 1080p and portrait mode with rift on the right (display 2)

Granted the latter took me some time figuring out but its that simple. Also use OculusServiceManager to disable Aero, stop/start the service quickly and use the content adapter so you can right click an exe and 'Open on Oculus Rift'

Can you explain the service manager stop aero part please, as I cannot see that in mine.. Whats the content adapter?

Thanks mate
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6 May 2009
Can you explain the service manager stop aero part please, as I cannot see that in mine.. Whats the content adapter?

Thanks mate

Sure. Download this tool - http://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/2c2ipi/unofficial_oculus_service_manager_by_bilago/

Run it, Click install content adapter, check for DX11 and choose how many monitors you have.

If you run extended mode I always check to disable Aero. Also set 1080p to your default resolution for extended mode. If it doesnt open on the right monitor (oculus) then shift, windows key and right cursor should send the display to it, if not make it a window and drag it over

If window mode produced white lines you cannot easily hide, also use Borderless gameing - https://github.com/Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming/releases/tag/6.5

Has anybody tried this launcher?

Its meant to automate the setup including Alien Isolation among other games.


I have, its ok but I find it easy enough to run most games now without it.

Isolation for example, all you need to do it set extended mode, Disable the service in Bilago tool and that's it!

All working -

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