Can you recommend any flight sim type games that can be used with the dk2?
As i have a hotas setup i just bought..only the thrustmaster but id like to get some use out of it
Ahh herein we disappear down the rabbit hole. You have a couple of options -
Premier league - DCS is a a series of 'hardcore' modules or as they call them, 'study sims'. these range from the hugely complex A10C to the much easier wwii birds. Most have clickable cockpits, meaning you have to know the startup sequence and this is where the DK2 has some problems in terms of resolution and hovering over the right switches with your mouse. Youre also never going to be competitive in multiplayer because you cant see planes until theyre right on top of you! To be honest id suggest flying any plane from the mustang/109/190 up to the F86/Mig15. After that, you really need much clearer gauges/MFDs. The plus side is the immersion is fantastic which means lots of joy of flying, the cockpits have some beautiful 3d and the summer sale starts shortly!
Championship - I'd probably go with War thunder on this. I havent tried the most recent incarnations but apparently the rift integration is much improved. Whilst theoretically free, you will need to buy some aircraft and only play the sim theatres, otherwise youll die a lot to the mouse wielders.
The rest - Some have oculus integration but im not sure how specific. Ive downloaded FSX so am going to give that a go, of course Elite is a must if youre into space sims. I have also got RoF working after much buggering about with opentrack and a vorpx substitute, im hoping to work out iL2 at some point.