Erm, it was a little more than that, to sum it up:
Just to add some balance, I think you're all a bunch of *****.
Valkia was foolish, but it's still being blown out of proportion, people should just drop it.
He was asking what the 10% reference was about, which is exactly what I linked him to.
Just drove the Subaru for the first time in ages, I'm feeling quite upset with it.. mind you I only drove it 5min down the road to my mom's.
You may well get an apology, I imagine Gibbo will be deciding what to do at the moment. Your point has been put across.
Shall be investigated tomorrow as I've missed what has transpired I think but all I will say if what I think has happened then apologies from myself and OcUK for un-professional behavior by moderators of the Overclockers UK forums. Its not something that shall be allowed to happen again.
Yeah i think stern word is needed with valkia and Andrew Moore for last nights ridiculous post.
The clutch is heavy, and the seat makes me feel like I'm driving a bus in comparison with the MINI! Sat so high up! I need to take it out for a thrash to readjust, and feel the love again. I think it needs some bucket seats!
Shall be investigated tomorrow as I've missed what has transpired I think but all I will say if what I think has happened then apologies from myself and OcUK for un-professional behavior by moderators of the Overclockers UK forums. Its not something that shall be allowed to happen again.
My (probably unwanted, but you're getting it anyway) 2p is that auto-promoting OcUK staff straight to the moderating team is a Bad Thing.
I remember wondering about that when it first happened and we've seen some pretty poor behaviour since then really. Last night was probably the culmination of that.
Moderation of this place was always done by the people that really loved the forums. I was there once and some of the people I have met and had some good times with then-moderators but we all had one thing (at least) in common - which was a love for the forums.
Sticking anyone that has a job at OcUK in that role means you remove that love and understanding from things and thats when you get the user base peed off with the mod team and unsightly threads popping up here and there.