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DM is funny a ****. Massively entertaining.

Though i could see him being one of them guys who who walks past a homeless starving guy flashing his cash in his face whilst eating a massive burger and chips.
Shame DM has been perma'd although I can understand why. A great guy who genuienly seems to like helping people and he is happy to give up his spare time for absolutely no reward.
Im sat having to listing to Cloverfield whilst the mard arse is sat on other side of the sofa making it clear that she is in a arsey mood.

Times i could drop kick her across room is unreal....
You only realise how bad "The Social Network" was when you learn the truth about what happened.

That film told only 1 side of the story. A side of the story from somebody who was very bitter.
Torn through the vodka. V and orange is a dangerous combo.

I want more but my mate is being fail. Means going tovthe off lincse but I got the cash and yet he is backing out

As for the film. absoultely terible.
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