I appreciate what you're saying Kingy. And I'll put my hands up and admit that when I became a mod I was perhaps too heavy handed in Motors. But I'd like to think that I've changed and think that a more relaxed approach is beneficial to everyone and helps keep a nice atmosphere in here with plenty of banter for everyone's entertainment.
This is probably not smart, but as an example, take your recent carshaft thread reply. Now clearly the guy you replied to was a tit, and deserved it, but (and this might just be me being an over-sensitive old soul) there seems to be a threatening weight-thowing undertone to it somehow. It generates a bit of an atmosphere, possibly because it's seen in the same light as posts by NW. Sentiment is bang on, but I can imagine a more jovial yellow "Oi! manners", or similar from the likes of FF.
FWIW I'm *trying* to illustrate a point rather than just stir...
What I drive and what I'm like? Well I'll shamefully admit my Micra ownership (I'm sure there's a pic or two somewhere) and I'd like to think that I'm relaxed and easy going. Perhaps we'll meet over a drink at the next meet whenever that may be?
Not sure my current steed will actually get me to a meet, but aye, I'll buy you a pint if I'm around...