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No, it is a depressant, it is classed as one.

Yeah. The MILLIONs of people getting absolutely smashed right this moment are doing it so they can feel worse about their lives?

No. They do it because it is 'Social lubricant' and it can enhance people's experiences . I'm a 1/4 way through my supplies for the night and I'm having a brilliant time doing NOTHING.

I won't lie. You've got to remind yourself of the boundaries. I've got a alcoholic living in the flat upstairs and my dad has never been great with the drink. I don't want to turn out like them so I keep it on some sort of level.

How does that song go? 'If it makes you happy it can't be that bad' :)
Yeah. The MILLIONs of people getting absolutely smashed right this moment are doing it so they can feel worse about their lives?

I think you've misunderstood what I mean.

I'm not saying people drink it to feel worse! I'm saying that it CAN cause depression as well as euphoria. If you don't believe me just Google it, it's not something I just made up....

It is a depressant, can't change its classification because Motors says otherwise.
[TW]Fox;19081346 said:
Never really seen the appeal.

I didn't. Then I realized that it made everything better. It's something to look forward to after a **** day at work.

Like I said, I can go without a drink if I need to. If it's a choice between food and a drink I'm going to make the right call every single time. That in my mind is the line of an alcoholic. Someone who'll make choices that'll affect their lives just to get a bit of drink in their systems. That's a sad place to be in my mind.
Same really. Life is cheaper without alcohol. I can't see how many can justify spending the crazy amounts they spend each day in the pub, each weekend at bars/clubs etc.

I reckon running my 5 Series through Uni probably cost about the same as my mates were spending on nights out - nights out I went on as well, but just didnt spend 40 quid on alcohol...

I didn't. Then I realized that it made everything better. It's something to look forward to after a **** day at work.

Except it doesnt make everything better, it makes you feel better, temporarily, but it does not nothing to change whatever it is thats not good.
Far too happy over a cup of tea. Addict!

Never seen the fuss myself, water is cheaper. :p


Actually I will have you find water is more expensive :p Well bottled water ;)

[TW]Fox;19081423 said:
I reckon running my 5 Series through Uni probably cost about the same as my mates were spending on nights out - nights out I went on as well, but just didnt spend 40 quid on alcohol...

This. I went out and still do go out on nights with my mates. Who funnily enough, don't have a mortgage, two cars, and a decent standard of life. They just have.. alcohol every other night.

I think I made the right choice somewhere along the line that I didn't need it to have fun, nor did I want the alcohol!
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So your life is better because of alcohol Joshy...? Oooooook..............

It's not 'better', it just makes it a lot easier to enjoy myself. I don't have to worry about being polite, or well manner or any of that rubbish, I can be 100% me. It's sort of like me when I get angry and go totally thermonuclear . Me trying to be polite and rational goes out the window, I just want what I want or the ability to kick the other guy in the face.

Anyway, I don't like this talk. I'm not 20 yet and I've only been drinking for 2 weeks, I'm too young to be an alcoholic :D.
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