Is the adventure aspect similar to how it felt in elden ring? I loved that. Still toying between this and Horizon, this page in particular is now making me leans towards this (all previous pages have just been about the microtransactions and lack of fast travel).
I think the comparisons with Elden Ring come from the limited hand holding that the game gives you, you have icons on the map that mark out camp sites and points of interest, but there's not loads of floating UI elements telling you exactly where to go, how far away it is or exactly who to talk to. Some quests might point things out, others can vague or require you to listen to directions carefully. It makes you want to explore when you see something interesting, turning simple A to B quests into zig zagging trips.
As above, when you factor in the various needs of managing your party, camping, encumbrance management, Day/Night cycle and even just the passage of time, it can make some quite memorable moments that might be unique to yourself.
One example from me from the other night, I set off from the inn in the morning to finish exploring an abandoned fort after passing through it earlier on another quest. I found some new gear for my class at the peak that was a big upgrade, but then found a small cave behind the fort. I went exploring in there and was harassed by ghost enemies that the party struggled to deal with, eventually I made it through into some ruins where a giant golem now appeared to fight. We barely made it through that and it was now night time. I decided to push on, going through another short cave and coming out high in the mountains, luckily there was camp site nearby so I rested until morning and healed up. In the light of day I could now see stairs leading to ruins even further up, I followed them up, found 'something', I noped out of it and went traversing back down the mountain via a different path.
Now I was in a misty wood with skeletons ambushing at every turn and the map obscured, I blindly made my way out back onto the map and found a woman being attacked by goblins, she wanted to be escorted to the town I'd originally set off from. I took her in and started to work my way back and found there was now a Drake roaming the main road back. Too much for me to deal with I had to loop back around, cross over a bridge and go the long way. By the time I was on the right road back the party was all injured, full of loot weighing us down and the sun was setting again. I decided to push on as the town wasn't too much farther up the hill, except we then ran into an Ogre that sprang side of the cliff, snatching one of the pawns and legging it back into the darkness. I had to leave her to die and scrambled back to town dodging zombies along the way with the escort woman at one point falling behind and being swarmed. I just about got to her in time, making it back to town and receiving a poultry reward for the trouble.
All that and what was probably a good 2 hours of running about because I wasn't sure if I'd missed a chest the first time going through an area