****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Yep, thats the site i was using mate, though ive finally got on and redeemed the key, downloading the client now.
It's pretty cartoony and whatever you do, DO NOT use the chat keys. It locks the game. BC2 is better than this. This is more like COD4 but not as good!
I was watching a youtube video, and have nearly d/l it. But from what I can see it is the same as BFBC2. Really annoying because I was hoping it would be a completely different game.

Sad... :(
All I can say is thank god I kept trying to get my beta working. Now it has its getting cancelled.

There is no way they can "fix" whats wrong with the beta the whole mechanics of it and the way it feels is terrible. The sluggishness of the controls the inconsistency of the killing etc.

Just a terrible attempt by dice. Will get it for the singleplayer only.
weeeeeeell.... considering that the BC2 beta was supposed to find and fix all of its problems.....

Indeed but that beta was out a month before release at least this is a few months away.

Ive not got to try it yet and by sounds of things not sure i want to.
Well I've played the Medal of Duty beta for a couple of hours now and well, it plays like BC2 and looks like COD6.

Its not a running in, bunny hopping, quick fire game like COD 6,. Much more cover, caution and team play like BC2. It does look more like COD though, which I quite like, feels fairly realistic, nice to have real attachments on real guns with some good feedback and nice sounds.

However it doesn't have the spotting like in BC2 and because of the washed out colours can be quite hard to see enemies at times.

Really didn't like it initially as I was playing it like COD. Soon died a lot so started playing like BC2 and did a lot better.

Over all, quite like the realism, game play too similar to BC2.

Initial verdict, meh.
Looks like they fixed the beta portal site so had a bit of a run around. It's definitely more like MW2 than BC2.

Also, crossfire working fine here so getting good performance. I haven't got the filter settings cranked up yet though.

Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg
2385, 21516, 96, 125, 110.848

Couple of screen shots;



One thing that struck me straight away was the lack of destructible environments compared to BC2. :( Also, can't get the mouse wheel to operate weapon switching. :confused:
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