****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Doesnt feel that great tbh, seems very slow and clunky compared to bfbc2, i know its only a beta, but i hope the full release is a lot better.
Played and thought it was a bit crap to be honest, cancelled pre order from play.com. It feels far too slow for me, which is ok in some games like BC2, but for a game with a smaller more fast paced environment it should be quicker like Modern Warfare.
I must be playing a different game to most of you !! I logged in found a low ping server and have been playing for last 30mins details maxed out and it runs really really smooth. Gameplay is fine however the guns are all to accurate ;p ... enjoying it.
Code is not working anymore.


Still working for me!!

Well considering most of the people in here are cancelling their preorders, I'm sure they'll have no problems handing over their keys to the ones who want to try.

I also wonder if everyone is playing the same game as I am.
It's not slow paced at all. It's just as quick paced as MW2 but with dedi servers.
well I've spent a few hours playing now, unlocked a few shiny things and can safely say the game even in this beta state is awesome fun !!! its really fast paced without all the noobtubing or sniper fests of most common fps, so in that respect those who tear out their hair with BC2 might prefer this.

running on a c2d 2.67Ghz 8800GTX everything maxed with 2*AA it runs like a dream...
Hmm, what resolution though?

i always have 1920*1200 for all games as its on a 24", anything else jsut doesnt seem right.

regarding the nade launcher, its not an unlock its the secondary firing mode which you get straight away. In the few hours I've been playing I have probably only been killed by a nade launcher two or three times, whereas in say BC2 it's every other shot !! I think they have purposely dumbed down the nades so they don't get spammed and its far more efficient to aim and unload clips into people...
Yeah, the grenade launcher and, in particular, the hand grenades aren't really worth using. Maybe he's talking about the RPG or rocket launcher?
Just encountered my first hacker ALREADY. Only played this game for 15 minutes :mad:
M249 + aimbot + kill streak rewards = rage quit. The guy 'BumbleBee' was just walking into the defenders base head-shotting everyone, couldn't get a shot at him without being killed first. He was on 55-1 when I quit.
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