****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

so disappointed after read some of your posts was really looking forward to this game

i hope the SP is good
so faecal matter it is then?

depends what type of fps you like, shoot/die/spawn, rinse repeat, if you like it like that buy it, me personally, I am not good enough to play it, it really is going to attract good players and I ain't that good lol.
hhmmm, having spent a couple of more hours on it, Helmand Valley is ok ish, getting into it a bit more and it's actually not too bad after a bit of time, I will probably keep going back to it and keeping at it, realised there are some unlocks to get and the red dot helps quite a lot, as for vehicles, there is a Bradley for the attackers in Helmand Valley, no way of repairing it so far(not sure if this is the case or not) it feels a little weak though.
There's definitely a lot less destructible stuff in this, I can play this on my laptop with higher settings than BC2 because it doesn't max out the CPU like BC2 does. Pretty disappointing TBH as that's one of my favourite things about BC2. It's definitely more MW2 than BC2, but better than MW2. Fast paced and frantic. I guess they've aimed it at people who were disappointed with the way MW2 turned out.

I quite like the Helmand valley map too, but I'm struggling without the mouse wheel to switch weapons. Inexperience I suppose. :rolleyes:
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not impressed with this at all, back to bad company 2 for me i thinks unless it totaly changes from the beta and theres not even a way to exit the game with out doing ctrl alt del
so are there any active discount voucher codes about for the EA Store ? might just pre-order...

Yeah couple of page back. if yhou type 'VoucherCode.com25%' (or something like that) into the promotions box on the checkout page you get 25% off. Oh and use quidco for another 2.50. Brings the whole thing down to £20 which is quite pleasing.
not impressed with this at all, back to bad company 2 for me i thinks unless it totaly changes from the beta and theres not even a way to exit the game with out doing ctrl alt del

Escape, options, exit game

(Though it doesn't work during the end of match transition)
thanks for the info about vouchers all :)

still not 100% about the game, I've watched youtube beta videos and it looks fun but far too similar to CoD4 (not a bad thing). Not sure why so many are complaining about it atm, afterall it's in the beta stage so its not the finished article.
well I opened the EA Store through ie7 and the game was discounted too £22.49 !!! so I've ordered it and got a beta key :)

downloading the client...
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